Sedative Meds

About booze

If we consider from the point of view of medicine, binge drinking is the result of a strong intoxication of prolonged use, when alcohol is consumed continuously, and the body cannot, without outside help, enter a normal state of sobriety.

Binge and withdrawal symptoms are closely related. When an alcoholic meets a heavy hangover morning and, in order to get rid of the headaches that tormented him, begins drinking alcohol. Usually, after a while, getting drunk to the point of insanity. This suggests that a person develops alcoholism and an uncontrollable craving for alcohol.

The binge can continue from several days, to weeks or even months, but, as statistics show, this is not the limit.

Gone on a binge ?!

In life, sometimes difficult situations occur when, completely teetotal before, a person suddenly begins to drink for a long time. This is most often associated with death, the loss of a loved one, some kind of psychological trauma, an attempt to alleviate suffering, etc.

This is what is commonly called: “went into a binge.” Every day, suffering from a hangover, a person realizes that as soon as he drinks a sip of “healing” water, the torment stops. Indeed, this is how it happens.

From each new glass, the torment from the drink passes. This triggers the mechanism of hard drinking and a person, waking up in the morning with a hangover, unable to withstand it, seeks salvation in a new portion of alcohol. The state of health improves, but only for a while. After a while, “withdrawal symptoms” begin again. Vicious circle. Drink it. 

It is useless to appeal to the mind of a person while drinking. However, if you do not see this as a huge problem, do not point out it, the duration of hard drinking will begin to increase over time, and sober breaks will decrease.

The binge can stop in the event of a complete lack of funds, completed vacation and return to work, getting into a sobering-up center, or forced admission to drug treatment. Well, the worst option is death!

True, it also happens that, even realizing that he is in a binge, that everything is crumbling around, a person cannot stop and stop drunkenness, because the binge has become his life.

When withdrawal symptoms and insomnia become a companion of an alcoholic. Shaking, tremors, sweating, palpitations, weakness, apathy or aggression and irritability. And one day, there comes such a moment that a new dose of alcohol does not relieve all these manifestations, then urgent hospitalization and removal from hard drinking at home or in a clinic are needed.

Not everyone who drinks or abuses alcohol goes into a binge, but each of them has such a danger . 

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