Sedative Meds

Eye diseases


Acute infectious conjunctivitis, viral and bacterial, have many common symptoms. Such conjunctivitis is contagious . Acute conjunctivitis begins first in one eye, and soon in the other.Patients complain of a feeling of clogging (“sand”), burning or itching in the eye, its redness, lacrimation or mucopurulent discharge…
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Blepharospasm – spasm of the circular muscle of the eye; typically observed in diseases and injuries of the cornea, a certain toryh neurological diseases (as teak). They treat the underlying disease.  LAGOFTALM. Lagophthalmos – incomplete closure of the eyelids (the so-called hare eye) – happens with…
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This disease is transmitted by contact, so a child in a children’s team with a contagious mollusk is quarantined until it is cured. The disease is characterized by the appearance yellowish white nodules of up to 2 mm from the…
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This is an acute purulent inflammation volo syanogo bag or sebaceous gland at the root of the lashes. The disease is most often caused by staphylococci.  In a limited area near the edge of the eyelid appears flushing of a painful swelling. Inflammatory infilt rat rather quickly increases, accompanied…
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It develops most often after infect bathrooms injuries century or local purulent inflammations (The ball Men, boils, ulcerative blepharitis). Inflammation can occur metastatically with septic foci in other organs. An abscess develops acutely with increasing spilled compaction of the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelid. Eternally edematous, skin tense,…
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Diphtheria eye (diphtheria kon yunktivit)

This disease is caused by Leffler’s wand . It is rare as an isolated disease, more often combined with diphtheria of the nose, throat, larynx. The disease is usually observed, those children who have not been conducted or not conducted fully profilak cal vaccination against diphtheria. Today, thanks…
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ALLERGIC Edema of the eyelids.

The disease manifests itself in the form of Quincke’s edema.Its symptoms: sudden appearance and the same sudden disappearance. Often, edema appears in one eye, swelling mainly the upper eyelid. Edema occurs in persons with allergies to foods (eggs, chocolate, zem lyanika, fish, citrus fruits),…
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Diseases of the eyelids are quite common. Eyelids, covering the front of the eye, protecting it from external actions are factors; e.g., age squinting reflex protects the eyes from foreign bodies, periodic blinking via constant tears contributes Nome wash with corneal and conjunctival fine grains.  The peculiar…
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Paralytic strabismus is caused by paralysis or paresis of one or more oculomotor muscles, caused by various reasons: trauma, tumor, infection, etc.  It is characterized primarily by the absence or restriction of the mobility of the squinting eye towards the paralyzed…
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With the loss of binocular vision, so-called friendly strabismus may occur. In this case, the object fixes only one eye, the second eye, even with high visual acuity, the object does not fix and deviates in one direction or another, which…
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