Sedative Meds


The disease is expressed as erythematous and erythematic-bullous
a rash similar to a rash with polymorphic erythema scattered on the skin
limbs and torso, as well as erosion in the oral cavity. Disease
occurs acutely and recurs in the cold season.

The rash is accompanied by aches in the limbs, weakness,
peace and insomnia, fever, mild atrophy
limb skin, conjunctival injection and lacrimation.

In area 1, and $, reduced sensitivity is detected
to pain, pressure, cold and heat (tendon and other reflexes

Cryoglobulins are found in the serum, precipitating to 4 ° C, and
at high temperature, the precipitate dissolves again. Besides, in
blood establish relative thrombopenia, delayed
fatigability with normal calcemia, azotemia and the ratio of al-
booming globulin. Skin reactions with cryoglobulins are positive

The syndrome is considered a manifestation of an auto-immuno-biological reaction.
some individuals, it should be distinguished from urticaria from cold, from
erythema multiforme, drug rashes, acrocyanosis and some
diseases associated with cryoglobulinemia (some
collagenoses, malignant reticulopathies, feces, myeloma, etc.).

In primary cryoglobulinemia, reticular
livedo on the lower extremities, pain and swelling in the ankles and
ankle joints (cryoglobulinemic joint syndrome) or various types of purpura, which develops paroxysmally, which
maybe necrotic,

Secondary cryoglobulinemia are frequent and important symptoms.
moms to diagnose some underlying diseases like severe
acrocyanoses, Renault disease, malaria, feces, myeloma, leukemia, agra-
nulocytosis and others.

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