Sedative Meds

Fighting insomnia caused by anxiety

“Go away, please, insomnia, I want to forget you” – these words from the song to the lyrics of L. Derbenev performed by Alla Pugacheva are very accurate. And how to forget about it, if it is all night, not only near, but inside? To do this, you need to unravel its origins and identify the factors that led to it (predisposing, provoking and supporting). The factors that cause insomnia can be internal, otherwise endogenous. They are associated with a violation of the activity of the human body itself. External – exogenous factors – due to the environment. As a rule, endogenous and exogenous causes of insomnia exist together and are directly interrelated. The song correctly noted that internal causes led to insomnia: emotional distress and emotional anxiety due to unrequited love.

Indeed, anxiety and anxiety often lead to insomnia, drive away sleep, it is only worthwhile to mentally imagine again and again the same unpleasant pictures. Such insomnia is “looking at one’s own gut in the black mirror of the night” (X. Auderskaya).

An example is the following observation. A young woman of 35 years old, a schoolteacher, went to the doctor with complaints of fatigue and insomnia for two months. In an interview with a doctor, she said that her husband had recently left her, and he is currently filing a divorce. With two young children, she is in alarm for the future. Thinking about it at night, she constantly weighs the pros and cons before agreeing to a divorce. Thoughts that the children had lost their father, and she – her husband, her future was painted gloomy and uncertain. An adaptive nervous system disorder with anxiety, stress-related divorce was diagnosed. A course of psychotherapy once a week for a month allowed to remove the state of anxiety and cure insomnia, which was the result of very deep personal problems.

Everyone knows that people tend to be worried on various occasions, and sometimes without a reason. It is important to know that such a gratuitous anxiety is an unproductive and unjustified waste of nerves and night time, especially if the reason is a distant and uncertain event.

This property of nature is often observed in suspicious people (a predisposing factor for insomnia). Surrounding people are surprised to see the excessively disturbing behavior of such a person. The sufferer loses sleep, control over himself, all the time asking, “What will happen if …?”, Drawing in his imagination the most frightening pictures of the outcome of today’s circumstances. It is at night, in silence, when the bustle of daily life goes away, thoughts revolve around the same possible unpleasant events (a provoking factor).

This behavior is wrong. Not without reason, the people say: “Put misfortune on your head!” The wisdom of the ancestors noticed that the sad prediction of events from the imaginary can become real if you do not change your anxious behavior.

To identify a tendency to anxiety, as the cause of insomnia, for a doctor is not difficult. The main difficulty is how to get rid of unnecessarily increased anxiety and normalize sleep.

Here are five techniques that will help minimize the time spent on baseless anxiety and help treat insomnia:

1. Understand the failure of your anxiety .

Most of the events that people worry about do not occur at all and their expectations are in vain. Analyze your fear from this point of view. Rate the probability of the event. Can it really happen? And how many times in your life were your fears in vain? Isn’t that so, often an imaginary picture was much worse than a real one?

2. Set aside your anxiety for a while .

Do not worry now, until it became known that the reason really appeared. Tell yourself this: “I will think about it later!” Respond to troubles as they arrive. You need to set yourself up in a positive way and, without worrying in advance, keep yourself in hand. Most likely the message will be good rather than bad. You dreamed of a good news? So create joy for yourself, not grief. Well, if everything went wrong, as it was wanted, then for this there is a rule 3.

3. You need to face fear . Make your anxiety constructive. For this

You need to answer the following questions in writing:

– What’s the worst that can happen?

– How likely is this?

– What can be done to prevent an undesirable event, and how to prepare for it?

By answering these questions, you will draw up an action plan and secure a security program for yourself. Thus, you will warn events, and not just react to them with anxiety and insomnia! You can always look boldly in the face of fear and constructively counteract the troubles at work, at home, in the field of finance and health.

4. Fear should be replaced by concern .

Anxiety is a reaction that causes stress and emotionally devastates a person. Concern is a rational activity aimed at solving a problem. This is what distinguishes anxiety from fear, which is not accompanied by rational actions and the determination to eliminate the difficulties of specific cases of Am .

5. “If you can do it, do it!”

This means that if you can fix something, you need to take steps to this. Better to do than worry! But if the situation cannot be reversed, since it is beyond the competence of a person, then it should simply be forgotten. In other words, if you can fix something, then do not worry, but you just need to do. But if it is not in your power, then is it worth “beating your head against a wall”?

Thus, to worry in advance and pay for it insomnia – it means wasting time and energy. But such emotions require inhuman endurance. Do you have it? It is wiser to choose a more rational way of solving problems in order to get rid of sleep disturbances.

Hence the rules: – It is useless to worry if nothing depends on you. – Do everything in your power to correct the situation. – In any case, anxiety gives nothing but stress and insomnia.

Following these rules, start with the main thing: learn to cope with anxiety. The knowledge gained will help to preserve health and good sleep and avoid stress in your life. But if we are late with the advice and stress has become your “best friend”, then we will learn how to deal with it!

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