Sedative Meds

“I was fed intravenously for 10 days”: I suffered severe toxicosis

NEAKING DURING PREGNANCY (what we used to call “toxicosis”) is usually perceived as a mild nuisance, to get rid of which salty crackers help – and more often it happens. According to an evolutionary hypothesis , nausea and vomiting, long before the advent of refrigerators, helped a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy (when the fetus is most vulnerable) to refuse potentially dangerous foods – for example, meat, which could contain pathogenic microorganisms. True, the risk of poisoning has long been not so high, and the body’s reaction to pregnancy may be unexpectedly exaggerated: not just nausea develops, but indomitable vomiting, which threatens health and life. Rita Vasina shared her story of how she faced severe vomiting of pregnant women and the associated threat of miscarriage.  

Pregnancy has never been something magical and mysterious to me. It always seemed to me that this is a completely understandable and purely technical process: if you want a child, have sex, walk with your belly, and then give birth. That’s all the magic. My attitude has not changed, and when I myself became pregnant, on the contrary, I only became convinced that this is a hellish, difficult job. Above yourself and your body.

I will never forget this day: four in the morning, I am sitting on the kitchen chair, hugging my knees, and next to me is the most expensive pregnancy test – I took it and immediately pushed it to the other end of the table, putting it down. I blink at him, and he at me. My husband is hundreds of kilometers away and will only return in two days, and I’m here, playing peepers with a contraption that knows more now than I do and can change my whole life. I think: “Okay, Rita, you wanted this. Just look and go to bed. ” Abruptly, unexpectedly for myself, I stretch out my hand, grab the test, look. “Pregnant, 1-2 weeks.” That morning, terribly excited, but happy, I could not sleep.

The first weeks I fluttered. All the time I caught myself waiting for something, some symptoms and signs. Such as they show in the TV series: a girl eats breakfast, and then gets blown up and runs to the toilet, covering her mouth with her hand. It is then that it becomes clear to the viewer: “Ha, toxicosis! Flew in! ” But I didn’t have anything like that, and I even began to rejoice that I was lucky, and that your pregnancy is easy. And then came the sixth week.

Day and night mixed into a single whole, getting out of bed seemed like something irresistible, and from constant vomiting spasms my stomach
and jaws cramped. I could not even eat a piece of apple – even take a sip of water

Everything developed rapidly. It seemed that the earth was leaving from under your feet, and you did not have time to understand what was happening to you and your body. For a while, I was simply nauseous, but not for long: very soon my body went into a stage of complete rejection of any food and liquid and, as a result, indomitable vomiting. If at first there were certain foods that did not vomit me, then after a week they were gone. Life has become like a fog. Day and night mixed into a single whole, getting out of bed seemed like something irresistible, and from constant vomiting spasms my stomach and jaws cramped. I could not even eat a piece of apple – even take a sip of water. Everything came back with lightning speed, and it was useless to fight it. Any advice from the Internet – salty crackers in the morning, mineral water, fresh air – did not help. I didn’t have the strength to go to the shower or just comb my hair. A week later, I decided to get on the scale. When I saw that I was forty kilograms, I realized that I needed help, otherwise I would simply lose the child.

I was urgently hospitalized with a diagnosis of “vomiting of pregnant women” of maximum severity. The degree is determined by the number of vomiting per day: up to five times – mild, up to ten – medium. I was uncontrollably squirting with bile, at best, with an interval of fifteen minutes. In the admission department, I was sent for an ultrasound scan to make sure that the embryo is still alive. Then I saw my daughter on the screen for the first time, who looked like a little crocodile. I burst into tears right in the gynecological chair. In the card, the gynecologist on duty wrote “the threat of termination of pregnancy”, said that from endless vomiting spasms, a serious retrochorial (between the uterine wall and the chorion, the membrane of the ovum) hematoma had formed and asked to sign for the fact that I understand that at any moment I may have to have a miscarriage. I burst into tears again. Due to the hematoma and the threat of miscarriage, I was prescribed hormonal medication, which I had to take until mid-pregnancy to keep the fetus in the uterus. 

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