In what poses can you sleep, and in which it is better not? Let’s take a look and try to figure out exactly how the postures in which we sleep affect the quality of sleep. The results of our micro-research are in front of you.
In order to get enough sleep, we need from 7 to 9 hours – depending on the intensity of the load and the personal characteristics of each. No matter how much one would like to follow the advice of doctors in this matter, not everyone will have time for a good sleep. Still, you can learn to make the most of these rest hours by choosing the right sleeping position.
Sleep on your back
The unequivocal leader, by everyone’s belief, is the supine position. Sleeping on your back is beneficial not only for the muscles of your back (and with your arms along your torso – also for the neck), but also for the spine – your mattress does its job honestly. Cosmetologists also advise sleeping on your back – unlike other positions, this one does not contribute to the appearance of wrinkles
The only negative side of this position is snoring. During sleep on the back, the tongue enters the airway, making it difficult to breathe, which causes the characteristic sounds. As a preventive measure, many doctors even advise sleeping on their side for some time, just to save patients from this result of sleeping on their back.
Sleep on your side
Sleeping on the side is one of the most common; among its variations are the fetal position, and falling asleep, erect on either side. Most people sleep in one of these positions, and for good reason: it does not cause back and neck pain, and it also does not contribute to snoring. Moreover, when sleeping on the left side, blood circulation improves, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart.
And yet this pose has significant drawbacks compared to the first. For example, sleeping on your side makes it difficult to breathe deeply and can put pressure on the liver, stomach, and lungs. After a night spent in this position, your arms and shoulders may hurt, especially if you lean your head on one arm, and sleeping on your right side causes heartburn.
Sleep on your stomach
This pose causes the most fears among doctors. The only positive aspects of sleeping on the stomach are the absence of snoring and apnea (stopping pulmonary ventilation for more than 10 seconds).
Unpleasant consequences can be counted in a huge number, which is why experts do not advise sleeping on your stomach. While sleeping on your stomach, your spine is unsupported, and turning your neck to one side or the other (which is inevitable unless you have already learned to breathe through a pillow) often causes neck and back pain. This position also has a negative effect on the skin and accelerates the formation of wrinkles and swelling on one side of the face.