Sedative Meds

Insomnia results

The results of regular insomnia can be disastrous. It affects thinking and behavior, emotional and physical well-being. Negative feelings and behavior are not limited to the night time of the day, but manifest themselves in everyday life: you are worried about how you will manage to cope with your duties – even if you deal with them brilliantly.
Physically, fatigue and malaise, stupor and loss of orientation can be felt. In addition, you become awkward (oops) as reflexes slow down, affecting the coordination of the organs of movement and vision.
Studies searching for links between sleep and physical health found that people suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, neurological disorders, chronic pain, respiratory problems, diseases of the urinary tract and digestive organs are more likely to to insomnia. Interesting isn’t it?
Having lost a dream, you completely concentrate on thinking about it. Worry about how you can perform your duties, or about how you will work in the future – which makes you want to bring your sleep closer and in control.
If you have experienced stress at work or at home, this, growing like a snowball, turns into fear associated with insomnia; it often becomes easier to focus on the disease than to try to cope with life’s difficulties.
You set priorities incorrectly, trying to resolve the issue with a dream, rather than the original problem – and not realizing that you are simply exerting pressure on yourself and exacerbating both problems. Memory brings you, because the information received is not processed during the night, and thoughts get confused, because you get distracted faster.
Emotionally, insomnia can cause an extremely depressed mood. You feel dissatisfaction, fear, loneliness and you begin to worry about whether you will ever become better. You may become sharper and unsociable, worry about how this situation will affect your life and what you can do about it.
Finally, sleep loss has a profound effect on behavior. You start to let work or social events, feeling as if you are not able to cope with what is expected of you. This may affect your family, friends or partner (shu) and work. It is possible that the daily routine will begin to change, you will begin to nap during the day or try not to go to bed before dawn – all this will only contribute to insomnia and possibly aggravate it.
When you are in such a state, the biological clock does not work correctly: you are so preoccupied with sleep and the consequences of lack of sleep, that, among other things, you disrupt the natural process. The more you desire and crave sleep, the more he eludes you – he loves to break.

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