Sedative Meds



To go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day is a simple way to keep sleep. The body will begin to habitually prepare for sleep, securing the circadian cycle. Be merciless to yourself: do not return home after midnight for a few weeks. Once the dream is settled, you can give yourself a break, but if you feel tired, it is helpful to return home a little earlier. You must strictly observe the regime on weekends, as well as on days off, allowing yourself to lie in bed for no more than an hour. The point is to be in bed when the body wants to sleep, but do not waste time, wallowing if he does not want it.

If your body is tired, do not ignore it. If you want to go to bed earlier, do it. If you do not feel tired at the scheduled time of bedtime – do not lie down! Try not to disturb your plans, no matter how tired you are, otherwise you will focus more on the problem of sleep, thinking: “I can not do what I used to (la).” If you do not sit back, raise your spirits.

Physical exercise

Being engaged in sports, you will feel better not only physically, but also mentally. Exercise relieves daily stress and helps to distract.

As research suggests, cardiovascular training (stimulating blood pumping, intensifying heart rhythm and forcing to sweat) can provide a deeper and more sound sleep: you will be in the third and fourth stages longer. In addition, they improve metabolism, which means you do not gain weight.

Try brainstorming a list of exercises that can be adapted to your daily routine; avoid playing sports late in the evening. (Physical exercise increases adrenaline production, which prevents you from falling asleep quickly, so give your muscles at least an hour of relaxation.) You could get off the bus one stop earlier and walk, start the morning with exercises on a DVD or record to the gym.

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