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Facial bone fracture clinic

Sharp pains, half-open mouth, salivation, slurred speech, chewing disorders, swallowing, face shape changes, malocclusion, abnormal mobility of fragments, impaired cranial nerve function, hematoma, painful swelling, facial swelling.Violation of bone integrity is determined on x-ray taken in two projections.Each type of…
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Maxillary fractures

Fractures of the upper jaw account for about 7% of all fractures of the bones of the face. Fragments are displaced depending on the direction of the traumatic force, the severity of the fragments themselves, and to a lesser extent on…
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Jaw fractures

Fractures of the lower jaw account for about 70% of all fractures of the bones of the face. Fractures in the area of ​​the body of the lower jaw, including the central and lateral parts, the region of the angle, are…
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Fractures of the nasal bones

Fractures of the nasal bones account for about 10% of all fractures of the facial skeleton, can be accompanied by fractures of the orbit, sinuses, trellis labyrinth. Almost 40% of patients have a combined traumatic brain injury.The clinical picture. Nose deformation (curvature,…
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Congenital craniofacial deformities

The causes are injuries, maternal diseases transferred during pregnancy, endocrine and metabolic disorders, congenital disorders of osteogenesis , including genetic effects on the fetus with toxins during pregnancy, especially in the first 10 weeks , damage to the growth areas of the skull, and…
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Face frostbite

It occurs relatively often, especially the protruding parts of the face (nose, auricle, cheekbone, chin). There are four degrees of frostbite. Clinic of frostbite face With frostbite of the 1st degree, hyperemia, cyanosis, often marbling of the skin, swelling, itching, paresthesia…
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