Sedative Meds

Sleep: a little about nightmares

Even those who sleep soundly have trouble sleeping at some point in their life – as a rule, if they are concerned about something. Take the examples with Dan and Louise, which were discussed above: they both thought about some events when they should sleep. If an event fraught with stress (both positive and negative) awaits you, sleep may become intermittent, as the brain is more excited than usual and tries to comprehend what is happening.
It is possible that when the event takes place, the dream will return to normal. However, it happens in different ways.

Often, when your sleep pattern changes, you worry about it — and you break your daily routine by trying to compensate for sleep loss (for example, sleep during the day or take alcohol). So you can exacerbate the problem, so insomnia does not disappear along with the situation that caused it. Now sleep becomes the problem, not the initial symptom.

The body can develop the habit of not sleeping every time you are experiencing a stressful state – and then negative thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns rush in, which only suits the problem. When you feel tired and try to sleep during the day, thoughts, feelings and behavior, all as one, have an effect on sleep.

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