Sedative Meds

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are a fairly common problem. 8-15% of the adult population of the entire globe make frequent complaints about poor sleep, and 9-11% use various sleeping pills. And this figure among the elderly is much higher. Sleep disorders occur at any age and for each age category are characterized by their types of violations. So bed-wetting, sleeping and nighttime fears occur in childhood, and pathological drowsiness or insomnia is more characteristic of the elderly. There are also such violations of sleep that begin in childhood accompany a person all his life, for example, narcolepsy.

Sleep disorders are primary – not related to the pathology of any organs or secondary – arising as a consequence of other diseases. Sleep disorder can occur with various diseases of the central nervous system or mental disorders. With a number of somatic diseases, patients have problems with sleep due to pain, cough, dyspnea, attacks of angina or arrhythmia, pruritus, frequent urination, etc. Intoxications of various origins, including those in cancer patients, often cause drowsiness. Sleep disorders in the form of pathological somnolence may develop due to hormonal abnormalities, for example, in the pathology of the hypothalamic-mesencephalic region (epidemic encephalitis, tumor, etc.)

Sleep disorders are a fairly common problem. 8-15% of the adult population of the entire globe make frequent complaints about poor sleep, and 9-11% use various sleeping pills. And this figure among the elderly is much higher. Sleep disorders occur at any age and for each age category are characterized by their types of violations. So bed-wetting, sleeping and nighttime fears occur in childhood, and pathological drowsiness or insomnia is more characteristic of the elderly. There are also such violations of sleep that begin in childhood accompany a person all his life, for example, narcolepsy.

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