Sedative Meds

Stress and insomnia

Stress – this is a normal reaction, which is the body’s response to numerous stimuli from the outside. It allows us to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of existence. For example, the air temperature has dropped, the day has lengthened, or the seasons have changed – this is also stress. But there is nothing wrong with it. Unlike stress, distress is such a strong irritant that the body cannot quickly compensate with its own resources. It undergoes serious biochemical changes, strikes the immune system, decreases defenses and insomnia develops. Thus, stress is not terrible, but distress. In ordinary life, the distinction between these words is not made; therefore, we are talking here about stress, implying distress.

Especially often our fruitless expectations, efforts and actions lead to distress. They do not give success, because they are too high and lead to the collapse of our own hopes (frustration). For example, as a result of unrequited love, as accurately noted in the song mentioned above (supporting factor for insomnia). Such emotional stress leaves behind noticeable biochemical effects. Accumulating in the body, they wear out, age the tissues and lead to insomnia, which requires treatment. This kind of condition is called post-traumatic emotional stress response. It must be remembered that emotional trauma is serious. impaired health and therefore should have an idea about it to avoid insomnia. Sleep disturbances within one month after emotional trauma are one of the main criteria for making a diagnosis.

The main situations in life that cause stress are loss of work, worsening financial situation, loss of a loved one, or information about your serious illness. In today’s life, actual problems are in an unsuccessful job search, family breakdown, loneliness, the approach of an unsecured old age, in the upbringing of disabled children, loss of their own health. All these circumstances cause stress.

There is also persistent insomnia and other manifestations of the so-called post – traumatic stress disorder of the nervous system, arising after traumatic events beyond the scope of normal human experience. They would prove to be a serious shock for any person. The patient may be a victim of injury or a witness who has watched the death, injury or physical abuse of other people. Diagnosing the cause of persistent insomnia caused by such circumstances requires treatment by a psychotherapist in combination with a course of drug therapy.

Here are tips on how to overcome the post-traumatic emotional stress response leading to sleep disturbance, which you can try to cope on your own, unlike post-traumatic stress disorder , where the help of a psychotherapist is needed.

– Tell your friends about your situation and listen to their opinions. Find people who are really able to support you.

– Describe your situation from the first person, for example, like this: “It happened to me …, I think …, I worry …, I feel …, I behave …” Describe in detail everything that happened to you going on. Read the text again, make corrections. After that, describe this situation as a third party. For example: “Someone is going through a situation … trying to cope with it …” At the end ask questions:

– What does he (she) really want?

– What can he (she) really change?

– After you have formulated your thoughts on paper, try to relax : play with your child, go to the pool or gym, listen to your favorite music, take a walk with the dog, stroke the cat, dream, remember the simple rules of autogenic training.

– Before making a decision, you need to relax and unwind, or, as they said before, “cool your head” and not take hasty decisions.

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