Insomnia is, first of all, a clinical diagnosis, which is based on the data of a survey and examination of a patient, and there are currently no mandatory studies for his statement.
Somnological status:
- Complaints about disturbance of night sleep and daytime wakefulness, corresponding to the diagnostic criteria of ICRS-3.
- Compliance with sleep and bedroom hygiene.
- Human behavior during nocturnal sleep disorders.
- Previous treatment and its effectiveness.
- Exclusion of other possible sleep disorders (sleep apnea, circadian disorders, restless legs syndrome, etc.).
Taking an anamnesis from a patient with insomnia takes up most of the initial consultation time. That is why I try to give such a patient at least 40-50 minutes of time – less does not make sense.
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Questionnaires are used as auxiliary and clarifying information to somnological status to assess the severity of sleep disorders and associated syndromes in insomnia.
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Sleep diary – I recommend all my patients to fill out a sleep diary within 1-2 weeks before the start of treatment (to assess the initial sleep parameters) and during the entire treatment for self-control (the fact is that a person may not record minor changes in his condition even after 1 -2 months, there may be a false feeling that there is no effect from the treatment, but the sleep diary will help us understand what is happening), plus, based on the sleep diary, additional recommendations can be made to improve sleep for each individual patient.
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Polysomnography is not indicated to confirm the diagnosis of chronic insomnia , but can be used to rule out the presence of other sleep disorders that may cause symptoms of insomnia (various sleep apnea syndromes, restless legs and periodic limb movement syndrome, frontal epilepsy) in cases of insomnia that is resistant to treatment or to rule out paradoxical insomnia.
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Instrumental (CT / MRI, EEG, ECG, etc.) and laboratory research methods: to exclude the organic cause of insomnia and concomitant diseases.
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
After the doctor has established the cause of your insomnia, it is time to start treatment. Paradoxical as it may sound, sleeping pills for insomnia are prescribed last.
About 25% of children in the world suffer from allergic diseases today. And according to the WHO, their number is constantly increasing.
The body of babies is more susceptible to the influence of negative environmental factors: a shortened period of breastfeeding, poor ecology (smog, polluted air, heavy metals, etc.), poor-quality food – all this can provoke the risk of developing an allergic reaction. But the predisposition to allergies is genetic. If one of the parents has an allergy, the child is 50% more likely to develop it. If both mom and dad suffer from allergies, the probability of the disease progresses to 75%. It is important to understand that not the disease itself is transmitted, but only a predisposition to it.
The first manifestation of an allergy can be triggered by various factors. Trigger factors, that is, those that trigger a cascade of allergic reactions, include:
- – unfavorable ecological situation;
- – Food;
- – pollen of plants, trees, grasses;
- – animal allergens (wool, feathers, down, pet excrement, etc.)
- – medicines;
- – house dust, including dust mites;
- – mold fungi;
- – uncontrolled intake of antibiotics by the mother;
- – the predominance of highly allergenic foods in the mother’s diet during gestation;
- – dysbiosis in a child;
- – bad habits of the mother during pregnancy;
- – parasitic infections and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Steps to Health: How to Deal with Allergies
1. Identify the allergen. One of the innovative methods for determining causally significant allergens today is a unique test system 58-E-112 – Allergochip ImmunoCAP ISAC® , which is presented in CITILAB. The list of tests includes more than 600 items of various allergens (inhalation, household, insect, fungal, pollen allergens, epidermal allergens, etc.). The method is recognized as the “gold standard” for molecular allergy diagnostics. In addition, on the basis of this method, special children’s screening panels 53-20-100 – Fadiatop for children (Phadiatop Infant ImmunoCap®) and 53-20-110 – Fadiatop for inhalation (Phadiatop Infant ImmunoCAP®) , which assess the increase in the level of specific IgE simultaneously to different groups of allergens.
The main advantage of the Allergochip ImmunoCAP ISAC® method is complete automation of processes, which avoids errors and guarantees the reliability of results in the shortest possible time.
2. Determine the treatment strategy. After identifying an allergen or a group of allergens using the ImmunoCAP ISAC® Allergochip, the doctor will diagnose and select a treatment strategy. He will prescribe the necessary effective antiallergic drugs and talk about preventive measures.
It’s important to know! |
The presence of a positive reaction to an allergen indicates an increased sensitivity to it, but does not always indicate a clinical manifestation of allergy. Sometimes a food or drug intolerance may have symptoms similar to a food allergy. However, they are not obvious, but latent and sluggish. |
3. Eliminate contact of the child with the allergen. This will help avoid exacerbations of allergies and reduce the severity and frequency of attacks. For example, with allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma in a child:
- regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment and wipe all surfaces to collect the smallest dust particles;
- do not use carpet, replace it with laminate or linoleum, which are easy to clean;
- use hypoallergenic products for washing and cleaning;
- curtains in the children’s room, replace the blinds;
- do not smoke in the apartment !;
- monitor the humidity in the house to prevent an increase in the concentration of fungal and mite allergens;
- remove all mold that likes to “settle” on the tiles in the bathroom;
- do not use aerosol deodorant air fresheners; store powder and other household detergents in a tightly closed box, out of the reach of a child.
4. Make up the right diet. For various types of allergies, your doctor may prescribe a hypoallergenic diet . The diet is selected on the basis of the examination results individually.
5. Normalize the daily routine. Stress prevention, normalized physical activity, healthy sleep and nutrition are the key to a strong immune system. Make sure your child gets enough sleep, but remember that too much sleep is harmful. Sports should be moderate (especially for children with bronchial asthma, as an increased load can provoke an attack). In this case, sports and fitness help improve blood circulation, increase lung capacity and generally strengthen the child’s immunity. To reduce stress levels, find a hobby that your baby likes. A good mood is a guarantee of health!