Everyone at least once in their life has experienced the sensations that insomnia brings with it. Insomnia can visit us the night before a first date, before an exam or an important business meeting. The reason is not important, the main thing is that an exciting event is ahead. And so you decide to go to bed a little earlier than usual in order to get up fresh and awake the next morning, but instead of going to sleep peacefully, you are scrolling in your head until midnight through the possible options for tomorrow's events.

Another example: after an extremely busy day you are off your feet and quickly go to bed, but for some reason sleep does not come. Then the sounds of the TV set working behind the wall interfere, the water dripping from the faucet suddenly begins to irritate you, and then it's impossible to turn off the feverishly working consciousness from the events of the passing day. In the end, the desire to go to sleep somehow disappears by itself, and you go to the kitchen to drink a cup of coffee or smoke a cigarette.

In addition to the above cases, you may suddenly wake up much earlier than usual or even in the middle of the night and never fall asleep again. All of the above is the real insomnia, which in about a third of the adult population of the planet over the years is becoming chronic. Insomnia affects quality of life, health, mood, relations with relatives, relatives, parents or children. It undermines the nervous system and steals the best years. After all, as you know, all diseases are caused by nerves, and experts say that the precondition for all nervous disorders is insomnia.

Insomnia itself is not considered a disease, just like a headache or runny nose. Like them, an unwelcome night visitor - a symptom of a disease, but what kind of illness to determine the doctor. Chronic lack of sleep or overwork can be classified as a kind of social "disease. Overwork and violence against your own body after the first signal in the form of sleep disorders can give itself a real disease of one of the vital organs.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to direct your efforts to eliminate the cause of insomnia. In everyday life, sleep can be affected by such factors as the work on a daily schedule, waking up too early, constant stressful situations, frequent business trips associated with a change of time zone, etc.

In addition, physicians believe that a daily five-hour sleep is the minimum necessary, which is prescribed to any, even the toughest person. If within three days in a row a person does not get even a minimum rest, then he can later develop insomnia. The cause of insomnia may cause existing somatic diseases associated with disorders of specific organs and metabolic disorders.

In addition to these, there are many other reasons why there is a violation of night sleep. This is primarily a consequence of stress experienced - depression. In the vast majority of cases, depression is a consequence of everyday, so-called habitual stresses, and is usually seasonal.

Treatment of insomnia with medicines and folk remedies

However, depression can be more than just seasonal. Often it is a sign of a serious nervous system disorder, such as neurosis, neurosis-like condition or neurasthenia, which in our time is not uncommon. If you believe the statistics, about half of regular visitors to clinics do not suffer from diseases of any particular organ, and the basic functions of the nervous system, that is, neurosis. In addition, insomnia is a constant companion of older people. Many sleepless nights are spent and expectant mothers, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.

The course of insomnia can be divided into three stages. At the first of these there are problems with falling asleep. In some cases, this person develops his own "ritual" of going to sleep, in others - the belief that the desired dream will not come. At the second stage, frequent night awakenings may occur, as well as nightmares, pain in the muscles or organs, breathing disorders, heart palpitations, and so forth. As a rule, after such an awakening, the person can no longer fall asleep.

The third stage is characterized by disorders such as decreased performance, chronic fatigue and sleepiness. Every day the person finds it more and more difficult to wake up in the morning, he becomes lethargic, irritable, and his mood and vitality decrease. At this stage, there may be a condition called sleep agnosia in medicine, which means that the person does sleep, and at least 5-6 hours a night, but his sleep is so poor that he does not feel fully rested.

Causes and Reason

The cause of insomnia, as mentioned above, can be a huge number of factors, many of which are provoked by the person. Most often, these factors are associated with lifestyle, rhythm of work, the characteristics of the body or adverse external influences. So, the causes of insomnia are:

  • Noise or stuffiness in the room, unfamiliar surroundings or an uncomfortable bed;
  • The use of drinks or products with high caffeine content: coffee, fashionable energy drinks, strong tea, chocolate, etc. immediately before going to bed;
  • habit of overeating in the evening hours;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • Chronic biorhythm disturbance, e.g., due to working the night shift or a daily schedule;
  • severe stress;
  • Age-related changes in women associated with the menopausal period;
  • Grade II-III obesity, causing shortness of breath in sleep;
  • Depressions of various etymologies;
  • Dysfunctions of endocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, causing shortness of breath;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pain of various origins, including spontaneous muscle cramps, conditions after surgery, chronic organ, joint or spine diseases, post-traumatic syndrome, etc.;
  • urinary disorders;
  • Side effects of medications;
  • irrational diet: consumption of food with insufficient content of proteins, fiber, vegetable oils, lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • failure to observe the daily regime: intense mental work in the evening or at night, stimulating movies or computer games at night, etc.

Of course, to find the cause of insomnia you will need to contact a specialist, preferably a doctor-somnologist, who will take into account the features of your profession, your character, temperament, and evaluate the work of your body in sleep and wakefulness. If the reasons for your insomnia do not require additional consultation with such a specialist, it means that one of the tips presented on the pages of this book will do for you. Maybe you just need to change some habits and learn how to sleep properly.

First of all, reconsider your work schedule, sleep and rest patterns, your diet, and your physical activity. To get rid of insomnia you may have to see a psychologist or take a course of auto-training. However, in most cases you can cope with insomnia and home remedies such as a warm bath or a glass of milk before going to bed.

In the case of insomnia caused by chronic fatigue or stress, you can take a pill at night sleeping pills. However, when using such drugs, you should strictly follow the rules of admission, because the use of the same drug should not last more than 12-14 days. Otherwise, in addition to insomnia, you run the risk of becoming addicted to the drug, and the possible cancellation of the drug will cause additional stress, which is extremely undesirable.

If, despite taking sleeping pills or sedatives, you still do not sleep well, a visit to a somnologist is a must. You may also have to go to a neurologist, who will prescribe you a course of treatment depending on the nature of the underlying disease. This may be a course of color therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage and other physical therapy procedures, up to the use of such exotic as Eriksonian hypnosis or gymnastics tian chin. Therefore, to effectively choose a cure for insomnia, you must first clarify its cause. There are about 30 known factors that cause insomnia.

A little physiology

Information about the daily five-, six-, or even better - eight hours of sleep usually seems so boring to us that we let it in one ear, immediately let it out through the other. After all, life is not waiting! The modern rhythm of professional activity does not allow us for a moment to relax or look back. Except that chronic lack of sleep sometimes leads to premature aging.

Look around you. Do you see many optimistic people with a healthy complexion and cheerful eyes? You're more likely to notice the pallor and dark circles around the eyes that tend to plague the ancient Morpheus.

By the way, here's some more information. For those who like to eat delicious food, chronic fatigue - an extra reason to indulge yourself with something tasty. And this is already extra pounds, because of which, as you know, only one frustration, that is another stress. And again we start all over again. Stress - depression - high-calorie food - extra pounds - stress... From all this we can conclude that a guarantee of attractive appearance is a good night's sleep and a moderate appetite.

And now a little bit about the mechanisms of sleep. Scientists distinguish three phases of human sleep: short-wave, long-wave and paradoxical. Starting from the moment of falling asleep, a person goes into a long-wave sleep, which is characterized by slow and deep breathing. Long-wave sleep lasts between 21.00-21.30 and 00.00-00.30. In 2-3 hours of slow-wave sleep a person is able to rest as well as in 8-10 hours of short-wave sleep.

After the hands of the clock pass the midnight mark, a person is covered by short-wave sleep, which is occasionally interrupted by paradoxical sleep. According to scientists, the paradoxical sleep phase is just the time when we see dreams, and it lasts for about 1-1.5 hours. Then it shifts abruptly to the paradoxical sleep phase, which lasts no more than 15 minutes. Such a mode of rest is optimal for the human body. As a result, in the morning we wake up fresh, awake and fully rested.

All these sleep disorders lead to a chronic state of sleepiness. A person feels tired, he may start to have headaches in the morning. The general state is depressed, which interferes with a normal way of life, causing anxiety or irritability. It is true, if you exclude the influence of serious somatic diseases on sleep, your insomnia can be treated quite easily with improvised means.

If for some reason the cycle of night sleep is disturbed, then comes a condition that is popularly known as "insomnia. With insomnia, falling asleep is difficult for the person, which shortens the duration of refreshing long-wave sleep. The short-wave sleep phase begins too late or does not come at all. In this case, visual images of the excited cortex, so characteristic of paradoxical sleep, turn pleasant visions into nightmares.

To get a better night's sleep.

One of the best ways to combat insomnia is to change your usual bedtime ritual. Remember, your sleeping room is only a sleeping room, not an internet cafe, not a dining room, and certainly not a movie theater.

However, if you are used to falling asleep in complete silence, try to put on some quiet music for the night, from the category of "music for meditation. Try not to have long telephone conversations before going to bed, because their content concerns future events anyway. Postpone writing an article for the morning, better read a familiar book before going to bed, such as a fairy tale. Yes, yes, fairy tales.

It is best to sleep with an open window, because while sleeping the body is in constant need of oxygen supply, only in this case you can count on a full relaxation and quality sleep. However, the temperature in the bedroom should not fall below 20 ° C. Otherwise you will wake up in the morning, but this time for a different reason - the cold.

Nowadays there is a whole wellness trend, which is called "fairy tale therapy. If you are not satisfied with the naive adventures of Kolobok or exploits of Ilya of Murom, you can read at night and look at the works of ancient authors - Apuleius, Ovid or Plato. The effect can be simply astounding.

A comfortable pajama or nightgown is not the least important part of the sleep culture. However, sleepwear should be chosen not on the principle of "fashionable" or "unfashionable", but on the basis of comfort considerations. Of great importance for a good night's sleep is a correctly chosen pillow and blanket. The pillow should be neither too high, nor too flat. Approximately the same recommendations can be given about the choice of blanket. Under it you should not be either hot or cold. Otherwise even a person who does not suffer from insomnia risks spending more than one night without sleep.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, which is how it is due to steam heating in the period from October to April, try to increase the humidity. This can be done by installing a room fountain or an aquarium in the bedroom. As a last resort, a daily mopping of the floors or a light moistening of the carpeting will do the trick. In addition, it is recommended to put a bowl of water next to the radiator of steam heating, and lovers of houseplants can be advised to breed moisture-loving indoor flowers, which require daily watering.

Regarding the position of the bed there are also unwritten rules. In this respect some specialists recommend to have the head of the bed facing East, others prohibit leaving it facing the window, but according to feng shui canons the bed should be placed diagonally in the room according to the meridians of Qi. But in most cases you do not have to choose the position of the bed. This is especially true for multistory buildings constructed at the end of the last century. But if possible you should try to keep following smart advice and not place the bed with its head facing the window. At least this will save you from an unexpected cold or an attack of cervical sciatica.

As for alcohol, red wine is the most suitable as a sedative. And even this, it would seem, habitual, remedy should also be used skillfully. For example, it is useful to add wine to a tea of medicinal herbs, sweetening it with honey. In this case, fast falling asleep is guaranteed, unlike taking a nightcap of strong cognac or vodka. This kind of drink can have a negative effect on digestion, thereby disrupting even a healthy sleep. In addition, spicy sauces and seasonings should be avoided during dinner, because richly flavored with them dishes contribute to excitement of the nervous system.

And in conclusion we would like to say that in recent times, experts have come to a consensus about the correct ritual of awakening. It turns out that after the tedious ringing of the alarm clock you don't have to jump out of bed and run to the bathroom for a cold shower. The right thing to do is to open your eyes, stretch from the soul and lie down for another 10-15 minutes. They say that every day meeting a new morning in this way, a person saves himself from many ailments, including insomnia.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic overwork is usually the result of excessive intellectual load, because rest is an active mental process, even if we are talking about an ordinary night's sleep. For the brain to switch to sleep mode, a person also needs strength. It is much easier to fall asleep after physical exertion, for example, if you spent a couple of days at the cottage, weeding the garden. When intellectual work is in an excited state of the brain, which, if the wrong mode of work and rest can lead to unpleasant consequences, that is, insomnia.

Many experts believe that insomnia is a kind of "privilege" of intellectual people. As a rule, those who work in a mode of increased stress, most often have trouble falling asleep. On the contrary, those who do not hurry to overload their brain with excessive thinking, are completely free of this disease. If, of course, exclude serious stressful situations, for example, the death of loved ones (God forbid!) Or other strong emotional shocks.

Moreover, these days, when the creative processes are almost completely mechanized, people are increasingly caught in the net of intellectual overload in the absence of physical activity. Hypodynamia is the scourge of the twenty-first century, since most of the day is spent in a sitting position, for example, at the computer. Public transport has spared us the need to walk, and specifically go out of the house is not always possible. Among other things, the rush hour can also confidently be called a stress hour because of the eternal traffic jams and the large accumulation of people, precisely at these hours trying to get to the same place where you are going. Therefore, the problem of insomnia is most acute for residents of large cities.

Insomnia becomes a constant companion for those whose day, as they say, is scheduled by the minute. Of course, the more will do, for example, a manager or real estate agent, the higher will be the dividends. However, the bright truth is that working every day in a busy schedule, a person accumulates mental fatigue, and the tighter the schedule, the faster comes a period of chronic fatigue, accompanied by insomnia. In the end the next meeting is put off till tomorrow, then the day after that, and then the problem is brought before the management (who doesn't know the situation which is accurately described by the flying phrase "to the carpet with the flyer"), which again provokes the stress, connected with emotional distress, which again ends with insomnia.

In an effort to get to several places or to submit several projects at once, a person strains his mind, and as a result not only the quality of getting things done but also his own health suffers. Often this suffers, and the quality of communication with the necessary people you need, more quickly comes fatigue, which is exacerbated by a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration with poorly done work. And in the evening you start feverishly going over in your mind possible options for contacts that could end with the signing of the contract, or search for a new idea. All this does not give your brain to switch to the mode of rest after a day of work in a non-stop mode.

Such a condition tends to accumulate, leading to the development of chronic insomnia. However, psychologically cope with this problem is very easy. To do this you must first learn to plan the day taking into account their capabilities, both physical and intellectual. Everyone has its own limit, which by no means makes it less valuable in the eyes of others.

In addition, you must learn to plan not only your work day, but also your vacation. And here we are talking not about the annual voyage to an expensive and fancy resort, and on a daily and weekly vacation, which should be clearly planned by you along with important meetings or burning project. Trust your feelings more. If, in reviewing your schedule today, you feel that one thing can take up more of your time than you allocated to it, try for its sake to postpone all other things in advance, so that you have time to do at least one thing. And in this case, you will have time for everyday household chores, and for rest.

If labor is not a pleasure

Brain fatigue and the accompanying insomnia can occur not only as a result of the condensed work schedule. The cause of sleep disorders can be any daily task that makes you feel frustrated or impatient. Everyone has some duty that particularly burdens them. Some people have dishes to wash, others have laundry to do or ironing to do. The cause of insomnia can be an unshared feeling, unresolved domestic problems, total lack of money and much more. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the essence of the listed problems is the same: brain overload.

So the problem, whatever it is, makes you constantly think about it, looking for its best solution.

The result - a constant work of the brain, and with a greater load than in the usual daily routine. And if you will not find the strength to disconnect from the pointless search for a way out of a difficult situation, it means that your brain will continue to work idly, not finding a solution to the problem assigned to it.

By the way, tired brain in general is not able to find any original solution. Usually an insight comes spontaneously, at the moment when you don't expect it. It is not without reason that an old Russian proverb says that it is wiser in the morning.

With prolonged insomnia man has to seek help from a doctor - a psychologist or psychotherapist, who, without thinking twice, prescribes a sleeping pill or a tranquilizer. However, the action of any sedative drug is based on a kind of stunting of the nervous system. In this case, the psyche more calmly perceives the unresolved problems, so the person appears to calm down and fall asleep. But sleep or not, and the problems of brain overload remain. Often, as a result of taking sedatives, the doctor is forced to increase his doses. In this case, sleep after taking sleeping pills or tranquilizers does not give a person a good rest.

Of course, if you have earned chronic insomnia, the best way out of the situation is to go to the doctor. But it is better not to drive yourself to this condition and immediately, after one or two sleepless nights, to try one of the methods of getting rid of insomnia.

As a rule, in such cases, a person wakes up with a feeling of fatigue. In addition, not all sedatives are harmless. Failure to follow doctor's recommendations can lead to psychological dependence on a particular drug.

And most importantly, sleeping pills continue to work on your brain throughout the day, preventing you from focusing on the actual solution to the problem. In severe cases, constant lack of sleep and abuse of sedatives can cause prolonged depression, which, in contrast to insomnia, torments a person for years.

Turn on the physiological mechanisms of sleep can be dozens of ways. The choice depends only on your taste. It is enough to choose the method of removing emotional arousal that suits you the most. However, the rituals described below are short-lived, so you should try to keep the resulting feeling of relaxation up to the moment when you go to bed. Of course, the best thing to do is to solve the very problem that is keeping you awake. And you should not worry about your condition, because the emergence of insomnia and the feverish search for a solution to whatever problem is not an indicator of mental illness. These are quite reversible processes associated with the violation of the biorhythms of your body. So, let's begin.

A bath with herbal decoction will help you to fall asleep quickly. The temperature should be such that the body relaxed, that is, from 37-38 to 40-42 ° C. Too cold bath will "help" to freeze, and too hot will have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition to bathing with herbs, 2-3 hours before bedtime you can try a contrast shower. Here the same rules apply as for bathing: in the initial stages, the difference in contrasting water temperatures should not be too great.

Another recipe for insomnia is a glass of warm milk, drunk slowly through a straw. The milk should not be boiled, especially if you have an aversion to the foams and smells of boiled dairy products. The essence of the method is that while sucking, the human brain subconsciously turns on a certain sedative mechanism based on the infant reflex. The same reflex is triggered in a smoker. However, a smoked cigarette, in addition to the sedative, gives another effect - a stimulating one based on the excitatory effect of nicotine.

Of the main prohibitions concerning the ritual of going to bed you can call a heavy dinner, especially if the food is heavily seasoned with spices. It is desirable to eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, but going to bed on an empty stomach is also undesirable, since your thoughts will constantly return to the food. "Lulling" are considered to be vegetable or dairy dishes, cooked without spices and flavors. In addition, during a cold or other somatic ailment, it is not recommended to take medicines prescribed by the doctor just before going to bed. It is better to do so before or after dinner, depending on the nature of the prescribed medication.

If you have a sedentary job, be sure to walk for 0.5-1 hours before going to bed, and come home, do not immediately get to work. Especially if the idea came to your mind already in bed. Observe the regime of the day, guided by your own biorhythms. It is quite easy to find out by remembering the time when your nights have not yet been marred by insomnia. In addition, if you have insomnia, doctors recommend not sleeping during the day, and you should go to bed at the same time in the evening.

If you still can not sleep, do not worry - sleep will come in any case. You should try to correct violations of biorhythms, so get out of bed at about the same time in the morning. This will help the body to find the lost reflex of falling asleep, and your night's sleep will certainly be restored. Do not worry about insomnia, because in this state there is no need for unnecessary stress. It is quite simple to do. Stop seeing your insomnia as a fierce enemy, because during its treatment you are able to seriously take care of yourself. In order to cope with insomnia you will have to do all the unpleasant things that you probably put off for too long. Also, you will have a chance to get to know yourself better. And when you are no longer afraid of the daily lack of sleep, it is possible that the problem of insomnia itself will disappear.

Muscle relaxation

In order to relax the muscles of the body, you can use a simple method called by experts the muscle relaxation with elements of auto-training. This should be borne in mind that lighting plays an important role in this process. For example, some psychotherapists at the time of falling asleep or conducting autogenic training advise not to turn off the light, and to use a nightlight or other source of dimmed matte light. Others, on the contrary, believe that complete darkness is necessary. Which one is right - you decide, because among those who suffer from insomnia, there are adherents of both theories.

Some people are irritated by all light, and for such people it is better to have special curtains in the bedroom. For others, on the contrary, total darkness has a depressing effect. For such people it is better to have a night light and not to close the curtains at night, letting moonlight into the room.

You can do the exercise in complete silence, but if you are disturbed by the sounds coming from the street or from the neighbors, it is better to play soft, quiet music. Before starting the auto-training, you need to empty your bowels and bladder. In addition, starting the relaxation exercise, you need to know for sure that no one will come to visit you.

After all the preparations are finished, you need to take a comfortable position, preferably lying on your back. The position should be so comfortable that your muscles are completely relaxed, and you are not distracted by extraneous sensations. It is necessary not to rush anywhere, not to make arbitrary movements. To begin with, concentrate on your breathing. Try to achieve such a rate of breathing that your breath gradually became twice as long as the inhalation. If the insomnia is accidental and you are very tired, this measure will be enough for you to fall asleep peacefully. If sleep is not coming, the exercise should be continued.

Medical and folk remedies

Now focus your attention on the facial muscles. Start them relaxing from the top. Mentally say, "The forehead muscles are relaxed." Repeat this formula several times, after which you should feel that this part of the face has really relaxed. Then, mentally going down to the chin, tell the cheek muscles to relax. The wording should be as precise as in the case of the forehead muscles: "The cheek muscles are relaxed", "The wing muscles are relaxed", "My eyelids are relaxed and completely closed". And at the end of this exercise, you should mentally say to yourself, "My body is completely relaxed, I am resting.

Avoid inaccuracies, "don'ts," and verbosity as you repeat the formulation. Usually after relaxing the eyelids and repeating "I am resting" several times, even people who suffer from chronic insomnia begin to fall asleep. In this case, the face leaves the feeling of a tightening mask, and all the muscles of the body relax.

It is worth warning those people who tend to overdo everything. The technique of muscle relaxation can be useful only if you do not commit brutal violence over your body. Repeating the formulas more than 3-5 times can lead to too sharp relaxation and an immediate "fall" into sleep, which usually causes a negative reaction in the form of an anxiety attack and instantaneous vasoconstriction. Therefore, when doing this exercise, treat yourself gently, focusing not on the indispensable achievement of results, but on a pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Meditation basics

First, a little bit of theory. The fact is that in the thickness of the human brain cortex are constantly running electrical currents of different frequencies. The stronger our emotions, the higher their frequency. But there is a mode in which the brain rests, recovering its own strength. This mode is achieved during a full night's sleep, when the frequency of electrical impulses is significantly reduced.

Thus, in the waking state, close to the state of overexertion, the brain works in the beta mode at a frequency of 12-15 Hz. The state of some light thoughtfulness is most fully characterized by alpha rhythms with the frequency of 6-14 Hz. Going downward, a full healthy sleep can be characterized as the work of the cerebral cortex in the theta rhythm with the frequency of 4-8 Hz. When meditating, the most complete relaxation of the body is achieved, and along with this, the frequency of electrical impulses going through the cerebral cortex is reduced. This state is characterized by delta rhythm at a frequency of 4-5 Hz.

Thus, the problems of insomnia can be solved by regular practice of meditation.

Exercise 1

Take a supine position or sit in a deep chair. Close your eyes and, trying to relax your body muscles, imagine a slate board. Now mentally draw the number 3 on it, and then imagine how a wet cloth appears out of nowhere and erases what you have written. The first time will be enough to repeat this exercise three times. But just picturing the action is not enough, you need to focus your attention on the details, consider the structure of the chalk and the board, smell the moisture, etc. Do not hurry anywhere, carefully consider every detail, no matter how much time it takes you.

Then mentally draw the number 2 three times, erase it and repeat the same with the number 1. The first exercise is over.

Exercise 2

Now imagine yourself in the elevator cabin, where you are standing and looking first at the scoreboard, then at the doors opening and closing. Start on the 3rd floor, then go down to the 2nd floor and then to the 1st floor. The main thing in this exercise is to keep the principle of decreasing numbers from 3 to 1.

There should be only one task for you in this exercise: to go slowly down with the elevator to the zero floor, which will symbolically mean a state of complete rest and inactivity. When you reach ground zero, all your problems evaporate and you feel an extraordinary calm. In such a state of mind, you are in the so-called center of your own personality, where there is no place for everyday problems or tumultuous emotions. It is possible that you will fall asleep on your way to the ground floor, but the lower the ground floor is, the fuller and deeper the dream will be.

Color Therapy

Each color of the visible spectrum has a specific effect on the human body. The healing power of the colors of the rainbow is the basis of a whole medical trend called color therapy. Exposure to a certain color on the retina triggers a series of impulses in the cerebral cortex, which affect certain organs and physiological processes, restoring vital functions in the human body, such as metabolism, immunity or the ability to sleep properly.

Color therapy is performed with the help of sophisticated devices, and the color you need can be selected only by a doctor, because each color of the visible spectrum of radiation has its own, strictly defined impact on both the physical state and emotions of the patient. For example, yellow, orange and red have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, and purple, blue, blue and green, on the contrary, have a calming effect.

In the treatment of insomnia chromotherapist prescribes a patient the exposure to a particular color, taking into account his emotional state, the level of excitability, age and many other reasons.


Has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, normalizes the heart and respiratory organs, relieves congestion and increases blood pressure. The energy of red light improves appetite, normalizes libido, speeds up thinking, increases stamina and performance, willpower, visual acuity and immunity. According to the canons of Chinese medicine, red is the color of fire. It is also the color of life, energy, blood and universe. In the East, red symbolizes femininity and love, so it is able to cure diseases caused by "moist winds".

Treatment with red is effective for diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, as well as hypochondria, hypotension and a general loss of strength, which is most characteristic of chronic insomnia. However, it is not recommended for very obese people or hypertensive patients to abuse the color red. In addition, this color increases aggressiveness, so when the nervous system is overexcited, experts prescribe treatment with the pink color. In this case, a person begins to look at the world, as they say, through rose-colored glasses, which partially solves the problem of aggressiveness and overexcitation.


Improves digestion and blood circulation, and helps to restore muscle tissue and nerve fiber function. Orange stimulates the secretion of the sex glands, increasing sexual desire and memory. Orange is especially effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Its good effect brings its use in hypotension and diabetes. In Oriental medicine, it is believed that orange conferred health and longevity, as well as promotes good relations between people. However, too much color can make the patient nervous or stimulate excessive production of bile.

The effect of orange on the nervous system can be compared to that of antidepressants with stimulating effects. At the same time the patient's appetite and performance improves, and chronic fatigue and sleepiness disappear. This allows the color orange to be prescribed for the treatment of the elderly and even patients with organic diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.


Not only improves digestion, but also stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas. Yellow helps to eliminate toxins and activates the peripheral nervous system, so it is most widely used for somatic diseases of various etymologies. In addition, yellow is the color of harmony. In Chinese medicine, it is considered divine and healing because it gives strength to the weak, wisdom to the strong, and attractiveness to women.

For the treatment of insomnia and depression, yellow is usually used in combination with red, as the former enhances the effect of the latter, thereby increasing the effect.


Has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous and cardiovascular systems, relieves spasms of the smooth muscles and bronchi, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduces heart rate and blood pressure. Green gives a good effect in the treatment of hypertension, headaches of nervous origin, neurosis, insomnia, bronchial asthma and many other diseases associated with nervous and intellectual overloads.

On the contrary, the absence of the color green increases nervous irritability with all the ensuing consequences - anxiety, irritability and fatigue. In Traditional Chinese medicine, this color is considered to be the main color of harmony, the symbol of the renewal of nature.


It has a calming and antibacterial effect on the thyroid gland as well as on the bronchi, voice and organs of the digestive tract. In addition, blue normalizes heart function and blood pressure, relieves muscle cramps and reduces appetite. However, in certain combinations, blue can have a restorative effect. In Chinese philosophy, the color blue is associated with human emotion, in particular with depth of feeling, vulnerability and a sense of inner harmony.

The use of blue in alternative medicine is very diverse. It is used to treat diseases of the skin, upper respiratory tract and vocal cords. In addition, the color blue is able to relieve patients from allergic itching, pain in the spine and insomnia. An excess of blue causes a feeling of cold and discomfort, and its excessive presence contributes to the development of unmotivated fears.


Has a direct effect on the pituitary gland and has an antimicrobial effect. Blue is effective for headaches, muscle spasms, tachycardia and intestinal disorders. It is also beneficial for numerous central nervous system disorders such as hypochondriacal neurosis, hysteria, neurosis-like conditions, nervous fatigue and insomnia.

Blue has a calming effect, with antispasmodic and soporific effects. When exposed to the color blue, anxiety, restlessness and speech expression disappear. However, an excess of blue can provoke intrusive thoughts and feelings of fear.


Violet is the last color of the visible light spectrum, it combines the properties of blue and red, having a restorative effect on the central nervous system and normalizing the physiological processes of the human body. Violet color has a pronounced neuroleptic effect, promoting communication between the hemispheres of the brain. Not without reason, this color was considered in ancient times the color of philosophers and a symbol of the knowledge of good and evil.

In alternative medicine, purple is used for organic brain injuries, such as concussions and strokes. This color facilitates falling asleep, normalizing night sleep, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing fatigue. However, prolonged use or excess of the color purple can cause a state of melancholy and even depression.


The use of essential oils in folk medicine has been known since ancient times. Aromatic oils stimulate our sense of smell and affect our well being in different ways.

The action of the fragrances is based on the action of its constituent chemicals, which in each type of oil contains more than 100. People who, for whatever reason, have lost their sense of smell, are more prone to nervous disorders such as insomnia and seasonal depression. Aromatherapists have relaxing and stimulating oils as well as adaptable scents that adapt to the needs of the human body.

If the cause of your insomnia is excessive fatigue or chronic headaches, regular self-massage with one of the relaxing aromatic oils - such as ylang-ylang, melissa or sandalwood oil - can help. Below is a list of the main essential oils that can help with insomnia from various causes, including painful conditions resulting from an organic disease.

Aromatherapy helps to successfully cope with stress, depression, increased excitability, insomnia, as well as muscle spasms and joint pains. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. However, not all types of aromatic oils can be used as a therapeutic agent. Here is a list of some plants whose oils are not recommended for self-application to avoid unwanted side effects: bitter almond, common anise, mountain arnica, ayre root, camphor, cassia, cinnamon oil, elecampane root, fennel (Volga fennel), horseradish root, sage, black mustard, oregano, flemint, ruta, pine, sage, juniper, tui, thyme.

Muscat sage oil (salvia sclarea)

Has antiseptic, stimulating and antibacterial properties. Used for headaches, hemikrani (migraine), anxiety depression, hypertension, muscle spasms, bronchial asthma and many diseases caused by nervous fatigue.

Eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus globulus)

Has expectorant, antiseptic and analgesic properties. Used in the treatment of arthritis, upper respiratory tract diseases and nervous disorders - such as headaches and neuralgia of various etymologies.

Geranium oil (pelargonium graveolens)

It has a refreshing, calming, anticonvulsant and antiseptic action. It is used for ailments associated with nervous exhaustion such as depression, neuralgia and endocrine gland dysfunction.

Jasmine oil (jasminum officinale)

It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and sedative properties.

Used to relieve the effects of stress - such as depression, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.

Lavender oil (lavendula vera officinalis)

It has antispasmodic, antiseptic and sedative effects. It is used for insomnia, hypertension, migraine and depression of different types.

Lemon oil (citrus limonum)

It has antiseptic, stimulating, antispasmodic and cleansing properties.

Used for depression, hypertension, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, upper respiratory infections and varicose veins.

Peppermint oil (mentha piperita), or menthol oil

Has a refreshing, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, muscle pain and neuralgia (all these diseases may cause insomnia).

Rosemary oil (rosmarinus officinalis)

It has analgesic, tonic, antiseptic and antispasmodic effect. In addition, rosemary oil is considered a good antioxidant. It is used for muscle weakness and vasospasm as well as headaches, nervous tension and insomnia.

Sandalwood oil (santalum album)

It has antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant and tonic properties. It is used for insomnia, depression, nervous tension as well as chronic bronchitis and sore throat.

Tea tree oil (melaleuca alternifolia)

It has immunostimulatory, antiseptic, antimycotic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, cystitis, burns and boils, helps improve immunity and body adaptation to environmental factors, harmful to the psyche.

Ylang-ylang oil (cananga odorata var. genuina)

It has a stimulating effect. In addition, ylang-ylang oil is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is used in cases of nervous tension, depression, tachycardia, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, decreased libido, insect bites, as well as chronic insomnia.

Directions for self-massage

  1. Area around the eyes should be massaged by pressing on the upper eyelid with the pads of two fingers - index and middle. The lower eyelid can only be massaged with the ring finger.
  2. Massage of the temporal area should start from the cheekbones, gradually bringing the fingers closer to the temples. This method is carried out with all four fingers of the palm, except for the thumb.
  3. The scalp area is massaged in the following way: run all five fingers into the hair and working up to the scalp, massage every inch of it, gradually moving in a circular motion from the periphery to the center.
  4. Massage the neck and the upper part of the shoulders in the following way: first put your hand on the shoulder muscle at the junction between the shoulder and the neck. Massage it by grasping it with all the fingers of the opposite hand. Then gradually move the fingers along the sternoclavicularis muscle towards the chin. And finally, massage the back of the head and the area of the scalp behind the ear.

Sleep for Two

Pregnancy is the most exciting period in a woman's life. It is while waiting for the baby that the most significant changes occur in her body. In addition to nausea and drowsiness, there are emotional disorders - such as anxiety or a state of overexcitement. According to a survey conducted in the U.S. back in the 1990s, approximately 78% of women have worsening sleep disorders during pregnancy. So what's really going on?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body has high levels of female hormones, particularly progesterone, which experts call the corpus luteum hormone. But progesterone is responsible not only for the preservation of the fetus, in many women an excess of this substance in the blood causes pathological sleepiness. Among other things, the enlargement of the uterus contributes to the interruption of night sleep, as a woman feels the need to empty the bladder. By the end of the first trimester, nocturnal trips to the bathroom become regular, which can also strongly affect the process of nighttime sleep. In addition, drowsiness can make a woman go to bed during the daytime, which also affects the quality of night sleep.

In the second trimester, progesterone levels in the blood still increase, but during this period of pregnancy, nighttime sleep is partially restored. Beginning in the 4th month, the placenta and fetal bladder are formed, which makes the course of pregnancy more stable.

In the third trimester, sleep problems return again, because due to the large size of the fetus, the woman begins to experience purely physical discomfort.

In addition, during pregnancy, even those women who have never snored in their sleep begin to do so due to swelling of the mucosa of the nasal sinuses. Edema of the mucous membranes can occur due to the same hormones, the excess of which causes allergies of sorts in women. As a result, the expectant mother develops vasomotor rhinitis, which greatly complicates nasal breathing. If this happens, the woman should immediately inform the attending physician, especially if allergic rhinitis is accompanied by severe sleepiness and snoring during sleep. Such symptoms indicate a lack of oxygen, which may adversely affect both the woman herself and the physiological development of the fetus.

Swelling of the legs, which is usually observed in the third trimester, may also contribute to insomnia in pregnant women. Uncomfortable sensations or even pain may provoke disorders of night sleep. However, such a feeling as insomnia of pregnant women is a transient phenomenon.

After a successful delivery, the young mother, as a rule, quickly forgets about all the hardships of carrying a fetus.

A few tips for pregnant women

  • In the third trimester, you should force yourself to sleep, turning on your left side, in order to increase the blood flow to the uterus and kidneys.
  • Drink the main volume of fluids during the day, so that before going to bed you limit yourself to a small amount of fluids. This measure also prevents swelling of the legs.
  • To avoid debilitating heartburn, you should exclude from your diet fried and spicy foods, as well as condiments, ketchup and marinades.
  • To avoid leg pain and swelling, do the exercises prescribed by your doctor regularly.
  • To avoid nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should have some crackers or breadcrumbs for breakfast in the evening, without getting out of bed, and thus prevent morning sickness.

Herbal remedies

Starting to talk about herbal remedies and medicinal herbs, first of all we should remember about the numerous remedies available for sale in pharmacies. Nowadays, in addition to the usual herbal gatherings, preparations made of natural components are represented by a fairly impressive range. Sufferers of insomnia should pay attention to tinctures of valerian, peony, hawthorn, motherwort, as well as preparations of passionflower, such as "Novo-Passit", the drug St. John's wort called "Negristin" and others.

Tinctures are prepared at home, using as a base ordinary vodka. To do this, pour parts of the plant with vodka and put in a dark cool place, such as the bottom of the refrigerator. On average, the tincture is kept in the cold from 7 to 14 days, after which the dosage form is fully ready for use.

From available in pharmacies dried assemblages and herbs at home you can prepare such simple dosage forms as infusions, tinctures or decoctions. Infusions are usually made from the delicate parts of the plant - leaves, flowers or fruits. The coarser parts are more appropriate for preparing decoctions. There is no serious difference between infusions and decoctions, except time and temperature of processing. For example, most infusions are prepared by pouring hot water on vegetable raw materials, after which the mixture is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. Decoctions are prepared in exactly the same way, but the time of heat treatment of herbal raw materials is almost doubled, up to 20-30 minutes.

Infusion of lettuce leaves (lettuce seed)

Pour 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. finely chopped lettuce leaves, insist for 1-1.5 hours, then strain through gauze. Take a freshly brewed infusion 2 times a day for 1/2 cup. When debilitating chronic insomnia drink 200 ml of freshly brewed infusion warm half an hour before bedtime.

Infusion of celery rhizome

Purify rhizomes of garden celery, crush, pour 1 liter of cold boiled water and insist in the refrigerator for 8 hours. The resulting infusion to strain and take 3 times a day, 1 tsp. Apply this remedy if necessary to increase the duration and depth of sleep at night.

Decoction of turnips

Wash a small-sized turnip, peel the skin and chop it. Then pour 2 tbsp. of root-crops in 200 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the decoction, add boiled water to the original volume and take before bed for 1/4 cup. With long debilitating insomnia dose can be increased to 1 cup.

In addition, as a sleeping pill you can use pre-boiled turnip juice.

Infusion of dill seeds

Recipe 1. To prepare 1 tbsp. seed infusion pour 300 g boiling water, infuse for 40-50 minutes and drink 3-4 times during the day. With spontaneous insomnia instead of seeds can be used dried dill herb in the same proportions.

Prescription 2. 1 tbsp. dill seed pour 1/2 l of port wine or kagor, boil in a water bath and allow to infuse for 40-60 minutes. Take before going to sleep as a sleeping pill for 2-3 tbsp.

Infusion of hawthorn

Dry hawthorn fruits of 2 tbsp. grind in a mortar, pour 300 g of steep boiling water and infuse for 40 minutes. Then strain.

Take 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal with insomnia associated with cardiovascular disease.

Tincture of oats in seed

One tbsp. milk ripe oats grains pour 100 g of 40-70% alcohol (you can with vodka) and insist in a dark cool place for 7 days. Ready to take infusion 3 times a day after a meal to 15-30 drops per reception. Tincture of oats in folk medicine as a tonic for insomnia and fatigue.

Oat decoction

If you want to use these words, use the following words in your own medicine: - Add one glass of ripe and peeled oats, pour one liter of cold water on one side and boil with stirring in a nonoxidizing bowl until the water is half boiled. The resulting broth should have the consistency of a thick fermented paste. Then strain the broth in the hot state through a sieve, add 4 tbsp. natural honey and heated again until the oatmeal kissel and honey have a homogeneous consistency. The resulting vitamin drink take warm 3 times a day with insomnia and loss of strength. To prepare a decoction in this recipe you can use oat flakes.

Recipe 2. one glass of oat flakes in the evening pour 1 liter of cold water. In the morning, place the oats swollen overnight on the fire and cook until a thick mucus appears for 10-15 minutes. The resulting decoction to drink during the day in several stages with insomnia and loss of strength.

Apple cider vinegar with natural honey

Combine 150 g of bee honey and 3 tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar in a non-oxidizing bowl. Take 1-2 tsp. before going to bed as a sleeping pill.

Infusion of angelica rhizomes

Dried rhizomes angelica thoroughly grind in a mortar. Then measure 1 tsp. and pour boiling water in a non-oxidizing bowl and infuse for 40-60 minutes. The resulting infusion is divided into 2-3 receipts. Infusion rhizome angelica ordinary used for insomnia of nervous origin.

Infusion of flowers and grasses of willow-herb

2 tbsp. herb Ivan-herb pour 2 cups of steep boiling water and infused in a thermos for 6-8 hours. Take, divided into 3-4 servings, with insomnia and headaches caused by nervous overload or intellectual fatigue.

Infusion of lemon balm (lemon mint)

Chopped lemon balm leaves at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 1 cup of liquid pour boiling water and infuse for 40 minutes. Strain the infusion. During the day you need to drink 2 cups of this infusion, dividing it into several portions. Use as a sedative and hypnotic for insomnia associated with menopause.

Infusion motherwort

Recipe 1. To prepare the cold brew 1 tbsp. crushed dried material, pour 1 cup cold boiled water and insist for 8 hours. The resulting infusion to strain and take during the day, dividing into 3-4 servings.

Recipe 2. 2 tbsp. dried motherwort herb pour 1/2 l boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Strain the finished infusion and take 50-70 grams 4 times a day before meals. Infusion motherwort is used as a sedative for all types of insomnia.

Infusion of valerian

Recipe 1. Pour 2 tsp. crushed rhizomes of valerian medicine in 1 cup boiling water and insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Take the finished infusion warm 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. With increased nervous excitability single dose can be increased to 1/2 cup per reception. With chronic insomnia and headaches of nervous origin drink 1/2 cup infusion just before bedtime.

Recipe 2. cold extraction 1 tbsp. shredded rhizomes of valerian, pour 200 g of cold boiled water and insist for a day. Application of the infusion obtained by cold method is the same as in the previous recipe.

The juice of a lemon, honey and walnuts

In an enamel or earthenware bowl mix until a homogeneous mass of 200 grams of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of chopped walnut and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat honey. The mixture should be taken with insomnia immediately before bedtime by 1 tbsp.

Soothing gatherings and teas

  1. Mix the ground rhizomes of valerian and hop cones in equal proportions. Pour 200 grams of steep boiling water over 1 tbsp. mixture and infuse for 2 hours. Ready to drink the infusion at night for 1/2 cup when insomnia and nervous tension.
  2. Mix in equal proportions of valerian rhizomes, motherwort herb and lemon balm leaves. 1 tbsp. ready mixture pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and infused for 2 hours, then strain. Take 50-70 g 3 times a day before meals for insomnia, palpitations, and as a sedative or hypnotic.
  3. Mix 1 tbsp. crushed herbs motherwort, clover and oregano, valerian rhizomes. Measure 2 tbsp. dry mixture, pour 1/2 l of boiling water and insist for 2 hours, then strain. Ready to take infusion 3 times a day before meals to 1/2 cup as a sleeping pill and sedative.
  4. Take 2 parts of a peppermint leaf, 2 parts of a sheet of buckthorn, 1 part cones of hops and 1 part valerian root. Measure 2 tbsp. mixture and pour 400 grams of boiling water. Insist tea for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 70-100 grams of tea 3 times a day with irritability, nervous restlessness and insomnia.
  5. Mix in equal parts motherwort herb, fennel fruit (Volga fennel) and cumin, shredded rhizomes of valerian. Pour 400 grams of steep boiling water over 2 tbsp. of the prepared mixture, insist 15-20 minutes, then strain. Ready to take tea 3 times a day for 1/2 cup when palpitations and nervous overexcitation.
  6. Motherwort herb and wheatgrass, hawthorn and chamomile flowers are mixed in equal parts. 1 tbsp. of the mixture pour 200 g boiling water and infused in a thermos for 8 hours. Ready to drink tea warm 1/2 cup every 0.5-1 hours after a meal with a nervous breakdown associated with headaches, choking and heart failure.
  7. Mix grated zest of a lemon, 3 tbsp. flowers of chamomile apt. and 2 tbsp. rhizomes of valerian, pour 1 cup boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion and take 1/2 cup after a meal, 2 times a day. This remedy is used in nervous disorders associated with insomnia.
  8. 1 tbsp. dried rose hips in half with black currant fruits pour 400 grams of steep boiling water and infused in a thermos for 6-8 hours. Strain the finished tea, add sugar to taste and take 1/2 cup warm 3-4 times a day as a vitamin supplement for insomnia and nervous fatigue.
  9. 1 tbsp. collection of taken in equal parts nettle leaves, black currant fruits, rose hips pour 400 grams of steep boiling water and insist in a sealed container in a cool dark place for 4 hours. Strain the finished tea and take 3 times a day for 1/2 cup as a vitamin supplement.
  10. Mix 2 parts cranberries with 3 parts rose hips and 3 parts nettle leaves. Pour 2 tbsp. of the resulting mixture in 200 grams of hot water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Filter the finished tea, add boiled water to the original volume and take 2-3 times a day for 50-70 grams as a vitamin supplement.
  11. 1 tbsp. mixture of dried fruits taken equally rose hips and raspberries, pour 1 cup boiling water. Then put the mixture on a water bath, boil for 10-15 minutes and insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Ready to take tea warm as a vitamin supplement 2-3 times a day for 50-70 grams.

Soothing Baths

Aqueous extracts of herbs are usually used for baths. Extracts are more concentrated than decoctions or infusions because they are obtained by evaporating the liquid to about half of its original volume. An alcoholic extract can be prepared by evaporating part of the alcohol base. However, to obtain such an extract, you must first prepare a tincture, for which 70% alcohol, not vodka, is used as a base.

Baths with decoction of valerian rhizome

For soothing baths usually apply ready-made extracts, because to prepare a decoction of the right concentration at home you will need at least 500 g of dry rhizome of the plant. Baths with the addition of extract of valerian is especially effective for insomnia of nervous origin, as well as for cardioneurosis, hypertension and heart failure.

Baths with decoction of horse chestnut fruits

For a total bath you will need 1.5 kg of horse chestnut fruits. To prepare the broth mature fruits (nuts) should be crushed, pour 5 liters of water and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the broth and add to the water. Baths with the addition of decoction chestnut used in neuralgia of different origin, disorders of peripheral circulation and the treatment of diseases of the joints. If insomnia is caused by these diseases, the bath with the addition of decoction of chestnut will help you sleep well.

Baths with pine needles extract

To prepare the pine extract need about 1.5 kg of pine twigs. Prepared raw materials pour 5 liters of cold water, then put on a fire and boil for 30 minutes. The hot broth is well covered and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Properly prepared pine extract should have a greenish-brown color. For a full bath you will need 1.5 liters of extract. Coniferous baths are used for insomnia of nervous origin, excessive irritability and nervousness. In addition, baths with an extract of pine needles are useful in diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, asthma, myalgia, joint diseases, gout, etc.

Baths with lavender extract

Prepared lavender extract is usually used for general baths by adding it to a general bath

One to two tablespoons. Lavender extract is recommended for insomnia and other nervous system disorders associated with menopause in women.

If you are over 40

According to foreign experts, among the people of middle and old age are very rare, who really need to take sedatives or hypnotics. The trouble is that most people, whose age is over 40, just panically afraid of possible insomnia and have too vague an idea of what should be a real healthy sleep. Not only that, but in old age people tend to use sleep not as a rest for the body, but simply as a kind of cure for boredom.

In addition to the reasons listed at the beginning of this book, drugs can cause insomnia in old age, without which, alas, the body of an elderly person can not do without. These drugs include a group of drugs containing analgesics, hormones (such as hydrocortisone) and caffeine. And for some especially sensitive people, even an ointment prepared on the basis of hydrocortisone can provoke insomnia or irritability.

Unsafe for sleep and drugs designed to arrest painful changes in the thyroid gland, as well as theophylline, sidnocarb and many others from the group of cardiac glycosides.

In addition, prolonged use of antidepressants or tranquilizers can also provoke chronic insomnia, as such drugs are addictive to the patient, which greatly affects their effectiveness. If you have such a problem don't try to solve it by yourself, it is better to tell your doctor. Perhaps he will tell you how to wean yourself off the ill-fated drug, or prescribe another medicine. If the sleep disturbance is caused by depression, in this case it is necessary to treat it, but in no case consider insomnia as an excuse to ask the doctor for sleeping pills.

The same applies to somatic diseases that are accompanied by a constant feeling of pain, such as osteochondrosis or joint disease. The first thing to do is to start treating the underlying disease, rather than trying by all means to forget about sleep.

Now about the sleeping pills themselves. The experts believe that among the sleeping pills available to Russian consumers, the benzodiazepines are considered the safest in terms of addictive behavior. This group includes the familiar tazepam, nosepam, phenazepam, and others. However, taking one of the drugs of this group does not mean that they can be taken continuously for many months. If this happens, you need to see a doctor who will help you cope with drug addiction, as abrupt withdrawal of the drug can have a negative impact on your health. Usually the doctor advises to wean off the drug gradually, reducing the dosage by about 10% every day. Such a method will help you wean off the medication while avoiding the development of withdrawal syndrome.

Rules for safe use of sleeping pills

Ask your doctor to prescribe you an unfamiliar drug not for a month in advance, but only for one week. It is impossible to get used to any of the sleeping pills known to medics during such a period of time.

Analyze every day all that you have managed to do for the expired period. Probably, it will help you to find the true reason of insomnia.

If you take sleeping pills, then during the day you should not drive a car or operate a mechanism which requires special accuracy.

If you are taking sleeping pills, you should avoid taking alcohol, as in some combinations ethyl alcohol and drug components can have unexpected effects.

Once your doctor has prescribed your sleeping pills, make sure he or she knows about all of the medications you are taking, including headache medications. This will help you avoid most of the side effects that are stated in the labeling that comes with all powerful drugs.

When figuring out the cause of your insomnia, think about the foods you eat. This is especially true for meat and dairy products, especially turkey meat. Everyone knows that milk is a source of calcium, but not everyone knows that turkey meat is a source of tryptophan. So, a small sandwich with cooked turkey meat, washed at night with a glass of milk, can be the best sleeping pill for you, which is impossible to get used to.

In addition, try to eat watercress, bananas, green salad, sunflower seeds, nuts, beef liver, uncooked rice, beans, fruit, fish and many other products enriched with mineral salts and trace elements.

By: Dr. Anuj Gupta

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