Sedative Meds

What is CBT

It may seem that the methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy are reminiscent of testing that you undergo before entering the interstellar ship, but this is not so. KPT, pioneered in the 1960s by Dr. Aron T. Beck, was recommended by the British National Institute of Clinical Research (NICE) – and is one of the leading methods for treating a wide range of disorders, including depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive personality disorder and , of course, insomnia. The method allows you to fully control yourself, when you feel that you are completely uncontrollable, it teaches practical strategies to help streamline your daily (and nightly!) Life.

After you master these tools, they will stay with you forever – and you will be able to return to them at any time as soon as the need arises.

CPT is one of the most widely used and successful methods for treating sleep disorders. With its help, you will fall asleep faster, less often wake up at night, sleep longer, and “hang up” will cease to be an ordeal.
According to the reports of the American Medical Sleep Academy on the results of eight to ten five clinical trials using CPT, the condition of more than two thirds of patients improved.
The main thing is that KPT has stood the test of time. The treatment will not last for many years – the point is to make you feel better now – no matter what happened in the past. If you take it seriously, you will sleep better in just a few weeks.

CBT relies on the following fundamental principle: your interpretation of a situation or perception of an event influences thoughts, behavior, as well as physical and emotional well-being. You analyze what is happening around you – and act on it.

For example, Dan sleeps very badly at night, tossing and turning from side to side, worrying about an important presentation that awaits the next day. In the morning he gets up, having slept only an hour, and his first thought: “I am too tired to cope with work today.” This thought inspires anxiety and doubt in one’s own ability to control the situation. In addition, he is angry because it happened today, right? Dan is experiencing physical stress and notices a nervous tick in the eye. He is worried that his colleagues will notice that he is tired, so he starts telling everyone that he hasn’t slept, which doesn’t improve the situation; on the contrary, everyone is beginning to wonder whether he is able to cope with the task. Dan concentrates on not sleeping, and not on the presentation itself, which undoubtedly does not have the best effect on how he conducts it.

Compare it with Louise. Tomorrow, the girl should have an interview with the chief executive officer of the company, where she always wanted to work. She dreamed of this job, but in the last two years was unemployed.
On the night before the interview, she does not close her eyes, endlessly repeating her answers to questions that, in her opinion, can be asked. When she wakes up, Louise feels physically weak, but adrenaline goes off scale. She is excited, nervous, but does not allow insomnia to affect her behavior: “I am tired, but I can do it. You just need to survive this day, and I will fill up the lack of sleep the following night, after the interview. ”
CPT will teach you to analyze what you are doing, how you feel emotionally and physically – and will teach you to question your own thoughts. Fundamentally changing the approach to interpreting situations, you can block the usual style of sleep and manage your life.

For example, on the next sleepless night, when anxiety will torment and self-criticism will activate, instead of reacting like Dan, stop, consciously make a decision to calm down – and cheer up like Louise.
That is, instead of listening to an itchy alarmist voice in your head, you need to remind yourself that everything is going fine, and one night without sleep is not the end of the world. You will feel better controlled by thoughts, which, when combined with encouraging words, will instill greater self-confidence. By changing your attitude to sleep, you will have a positive impact on your own feelings and actions.

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