Sedative Meds

Doctors make money on our diseases

Doctors impose costly surgeries on patients

Surgical operations have always been considered an extreme, an exceptional way of interfering with the functioning of the body. But now with someone’s easy hands, operations are literally “distributed” right and left. What is the matter here, you have to understand …

About doubtful use of some surgical interventions

Surgical operations have always been an extreme, exceptional way of interfering with the functioning of the body, justified only in cases of severe injuries or emergency help. However, recently the attitude in society to operations, with someone’s light hand, is changing to a benevolent one, and the operations are literally “distributed” right and left. What is the matter and how justified is this “care” of medicine about people? Have to understand …

Recently, doctors increasingly offer older people to perform surgery. Yes, not one, but more often, a whole series of operations in different places of the body “for medical reasons.” And this is not accidental: budgetary funds, quotas, are allocated to surgical interventions for medical institutions.

In Soviet times, permission for the operation passed through a multistage filter solutions of various medical specialists who weighed all possible consequences of operations. Surgical interventions were not as common as they are now.

Literally, everything has changed in the last decade. Quoting, that is, material aid to the state for carrying out operations, added to the latter an extraordinary popularity. The word “quota” has acquired a magical meaning. Elderly people say something like this: “The state cares about me, especially allocates money for me, and I should / should take this opportunity.”

Often older people agree to surgery because of insufficient attention from close people and their children. Then the commercial interest of medical institutions, they are gullibly accepted for sincere care for their health. It is no secret that in Soviet times people were taught, first of all, to think about their labor and professional efforts for the benefit of the Motherland, about the fulfillment of the production plan, and not about their own health. It was implicitly implied that medicine, available to everyone in the country, is on guard of health and will help a person at the right time.

But with the arrival of the capitalist economy, medicine changed its functions, becoming an instrument of making money in people in their helpless condition. So, quotas extend to two days after the operation, and then the care for the patient manages “at his own expense.” True, the most honest doctors warn: if you have not kept track of your health all your life, we can not cure you overnight. In this case, in our opinion, the following explanation is suitable: in order to cure you, you have to give birth again. Doctors do not know how.

Let’s not argue: probably, many of surgical interventions nevertheless are necessary for people. For example, the removal of an appendix, which today medicine can only produce in an operative way; or removal of various growths in organs abundantly arising from adverse social and environmental conditions; or dental manipulation.

However, I want to draw attention to a specific category of elderly people after 75 years, burdened with various signs of ill health. Turning to medical institutions, these people, in whose memory the Soviet propaganda is still fresh about the value of each person for the state, are hoping to receive from the doctors qualified medical care, sympathy and pity in their morbid condition.

People are not always fully aware of the cynicism of a market economy, to which it is really not easy to get used to a normal person, that they will be assisted in exact accordance with the thickness of the wallet. The market economy with its cannibalistic laws makes doctors a heartless shopkeeper and dexterous manipulators. After being in a helpless position and completely dependent on such doctors, patients experience a systematic “spin-up” of their solvency to dangerously low values ​​…

First of all, what awaits people when applying to medical institutions, is a full medical examination. Of course, everyone decides whether he needs to undergo a full range of very tedious, in lines, and sometimes even humiliating procedures of primary examination. Waiting for their turn to see a doctor, patients are very talkative, telling about their “adventures” in the “field” of the operating tables of medical institutions.

Being an involuntary listener of their stories, I had to wonder more than once how quite young people, in full confidence in the correctness of their decision, repeatedly “corrected” the nature of their body with the help of doctors through surgical operations. To my side view, in these operations there was no reason. It was enough to do several sessions of conscientious massage in case of problems with the vessels or the course of the corresponding therapeutic gymnastics for lesions of those or other joints.

The formation of tubercles on the surface of blood vessels, most often on legs, is not a rare occurrence. It occurs because of systematic back-breaking physical exertion: long standing on the legs, carrying heavy loads over long distances. But another thing is interesting: how does the blood behave in the blood vessels? From constant physical exertion, blood, having a tendency towards thickening with age, accumulates more and more in the working organs, – the vessels become tuberculate, bubbly, blue translucent through the skin.

That is, the blood stream itself creates comfortable “shores”, like a river, so that the heart can pump the maximum amount of blood, satisfying the need for man excessive labor effort. Correctly, the living organism adapts, all its functions are stabilized, creating additional opportunities for life. The circulatory system adapts to extreme “horse” loads in such a non-aesthetic way. Even the poets and writers of the century before last wrote about the hard work of Russian women.

What can happen during a vascular surgery?

The operation involves the removal of deformed vascular sites. Then, the remaining volume of blood (dense – in the elderly) will continue to circulate over a smaller volume of the bloodstream, as a result of distant vessels. Doctors in this case consoled: “The blood will find your own way.” So she finds, creating numerous hematomas in the capillaries, when they are torn and so-called so-called. “Stars”, and in larger vessels condensations are formed, the plugging of which is fraught with a lethal outcome.

In addition, as is known, the walls of blood vessels in the elderly lose their elasticity, become brittle and brittle. In addition, the heart should also work “at the limit”, pushing a large volume of blood into the vessels of the “smaller footage”.

The consequences of such an operation, even with its qualitative performance, are obvious: increased cardiac and vascular pressure, shortness of breath, increased risk of thrombosis, and, quite accurately, reduction in life expectancy.

Yes, we should also take into account the work of the lymphatic system. It is known that in old age lymphatic vessels and nodes degrade, that is, they deform and even disappear, therefore whole parts of the body remain without lymphatic vessels. Also, the phenomenon of stasis of lymph in the limbs is possible, – lymphostasis. And lymph, as is known, cleans the entire body of “slag”.

After the operation, due to the general weakening of immunity, it is possible the body’s inability to fight its own, inside the microbes, not to mention the ones brought from outside. On the part of doctors, powerful antibiotic therapy will immediately follow, which must be sustained. In addition, as the surgeons themselves admit, they do not always sew the blood vessels, and lymph vessels never stitch.

Knowing this, people should think about the consequences of medical actions. Therefore, if you have old age (70-75 years or more), varicose veins, but the veins do not hurt, do not bother, if you have hypertension, signs of poor performance of the lymphatic system, do not rush to do the operation on the vessels.

Particularly harmful should be recognized surgical operations to replace the joints, most often, the hip and knee, elderly patients are enough. Doctors literally “distribute” them for quotas “right and left”, regardless of the age of the patient and the general state of his health. And age patients are already “breathing in exhaustion” …

Restrictions on surgical interventions, however, exist, but overcoming them occurs again … with the help of operations. For example, if a person has varicose veins, they will first be asked to remove the deformed vessels and only then will they allow joint replacement. However, with lymphostasis of the lower extremities, with the affected leg will not work, but with another, healthy – will.

You will say: but a person can refuse surgery, this is his decision?

The fact of the matter is that it is very difficult to refuse. Why? Imagine, a man of labor all his life received no attention, no affection, no respect at work and at home. Accumulated attention deficit is difficult to get rid of. And then a person comes to a medical institution, and then – attention, care, affectionate intonations, kind words …

Particularly it should be said about the psychological methods of physicians’ impact on the patient. Phrases such as “It’s terrible to live at your age” or “And what will happen to you next?” – act flawlessly, driving the patient into a truly animal fear for their lives.

Under the influence of fear, people are ready to pay for their treatment all the accumulated during the life of the money that was originally intended “for a rainy day.” Doctors become skilled managers and marketers in promoting their services. For deception, they use “medical magic”, turning off the human mind, and people agree to any manipulation without hesitation.

What consequences are possible as a result of such surgical “sacred actions”, about which doctors try to talk less? In order to verify the above and personal conviction, we conducted our own sociological research and met with some people who had undergone surgery.

The first and inevitable consequence. Adapting the joints to the prosthesis, which acts as a large foreign body, an alien mechanism, the habituation of soft tissues to the neighborhood of the metal-plastic device. How often, having got a splinter in the hand, we are trying to get rid of it, otherwise, the body itself gets rid of the splinter, by breaking through the purulent inflammation in the place of the lesion. However, the implant prosthesis implant is not a thorn that can be easily removed; and what to change it, if the “native” joint is no longer to be returned.

In an organism that recognizes an alien organ, pain begins. Pain can last several months, depending on the speed of habituation. There is a special medical term from transplantology – tolerance, which means the body’s inability to distinguish between foreign organs. To achieve a state of tolerance, the patient is prescribed painkillers and injections, which are known to contain narcotic, and therefore poisonous substances that kill nerve cells and fibers that signal pain. The state of tolerance (tolerance) is achieved by gradually suppressing the body’s immune system with anesthetic poisonous substances.

The lowering of immunity opens the way for various infectious diseases and related complications. Therefore, patients who have undergone surgery for joints, for years, take painkillers and pills to “lull” the body and make him not see the foreign body. A case of the death of a not very elderly woman is known, only a year after the operation. Apparently, the addiction did not happen, and the mind can not turn it off, it signals a “stranger” in the body. Another woman after two operations on her legs, right and left, is constantly experiencing pain, which were before the operation. This indicates that the operation is not capable of eliminating pain, it is not its function.

The second consequence. This inflammation in the joint and soft tissues, due to the introduction of infection during surgery or due to the inevitable lowering of the patient’s immunity. In this case, doctors prescribe antibiotic therapy to relieve inflammation. There are several cases when people after the operation again return to a medical institution for the removal of the inflammatory process, but already completely at their own expense.

The third consequence. Those who “turned off” consciousness and coped with the addiction to a foreign body, overcome (or avoided) the inflammatory process, experience a lack of emotional sphere. Apparently, internal discomfort can not be avoided. It’s about people who used to be “bubbled” with enthusiasm and fun. Now – the pallor of the face and skin, a “stone mask” on his face. The impression is that you are talking to a mummy …

For those who are trying to keep their living soul (and body), it is worth pondering over the consequences. In any case, a person experiencing constant discomfort becomes nervous, irritable, his character spoils, being close to such a person is difficult.

The fourth. And you did not forget, who made the operation, that the prosthetic leg should still be developed and thereby to some extent repeat the feat of the legendary pilot Maresyev? After the operation, you will have to learn how to walk again, first on crutches, to train the muscles of the legs so that they can flex the leg in the knee-prosthesis, otherwise the leg will remain stretched out like a stick or a pistol. One of the women we interviewed admitted that if it accidentally falls, then it will not be possible to rise independently. There is physical impotence.

Let’s note in passing: the muscle tissue of a man is growing very difficult and slow, and in the older age, on the contrary, there is a loss of muscle mass. So to provide a “muscular frame” prosthesis will not be easy, even if you are heroically developing your legs. Here you will need diligence and discipline.

A separate issue is the excess weight of the patient. Often doctors advise the patient before the endoprosthesis surgery to lose weight. The council is right in itself, if implemented very slowly, for several years. However, any sharp weight loss in older age is undesirable: it is possible to reduce hemoglobin in the blood, that is, anemia, anemia. It is also important that the preparatory procedures and the operation itself are a great stress for the patient.

The people who have undergone surgery expect that after a surgical procedure they will regain their healthy limbs, as they did in twenty years. But miracles do not happen. According to our observations, these people move the same way as before the operation: who limped and limps; at whom joints before an operation hurt, hurt and after. And who did not develop the legs after the operation, often even in a walker!

It is clear that such operations are often done by people who know little about the medical topic, who are not prepared in a strong-willed sense, and, quite accurately, do not engage in their health throughout their lives. So, the wrong gait “step on the whole foot with a fit” and the lack of special shoes with a cushioning, softening step soles, multiplied by the years of life, do their job – the joints inevitably deform and collapse. And no “fastum-gels” will not help here.

It is known that the bone system with age loses calcium and other minerals, becomes fragile. And, having made the operation to replace the joint in one place, you will not stop the negative processes of dystrophy in the entire bone system …

This is a very unpleasant thing to understand. But you should not worry: a person is arranged so that with “tolerable” care of his health, functions and organs, he should be enough for his whole life. And yet: while a person is alive, the processes of regeneration of tissues and organs do not cease even in older ages, although slowly. This should be remembered. Actually, the difference between the old and the young man is the speed of bioregeneration of tissues and body systems.

Your health is in your hands. To save joints and the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to observe an impellent mode. Take ski poles in hand and go “Scandinavian walking”. Calcium in bones is absorbed only with active movement.

It should also be mentioned the existence of social diseases (however, in modern society, all diseases have social or environmental causes), when not the operation returns health, but a change in lifestyle and nutrition.

Thus, with pulmonary tuberculosis, the removal of a part of the lung is not necessary and even not desirable. The disease itself goes away with enhanced, high-quality and varied nutrition, good housing conditions and observance of the daily routine. In the case of an operation on a part or half of the lung, a person is permanently deprived of some of his physical activity, ability to work and, in general, vitality.

But patients do not explain this. On the contrary, they drive to the operation, motivating that the microbes in the lungs multiply with each day … And again the same methods: fear and lack of time.

Let us summarize what has been said. Medical operations for the elderly are not always necessary. The main thing is to stabilize the general state of the organism at an acceptable, not the best level. “Best the enemy of the good”. The negative consequence of surgical interventions is the obvious shortening of patients’ lives. Reducing the period of life does not allow us to achieve wisdom, for which we particularly appreciate older people.

It’s time to save our parents and mothers from the excessive “care” of medicine. But if you are tired of living and want to get rid of life faster in the most “cultured” way, then do not hesitate. Paraphrasing a line from a famous song to the present day, you can say: “Old people everywhere are dear to us …”.

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