Sedative Meds

Phlegmon of the Century

Phlegmon of the eyelid ( phlegmone palpebrae ) – diffuse inflammation of the tissues of the eyelid; often develops as a complication of barley.

Phlegmon of the upper eyelid

In some cases, phlegmon occurs in places where there is a violation of the integrity of the skin. In this case, the source of infection is understandable and can be investigated. Most often, inflammation occurs in places where for a long period of time no injuries, cuts or punctures of the skin have been recorded. In this case, the diagnosis is designed to find out the cause of the infection.

The occurrence of phlegmon is often associated with concomitant diseases, in particular diabetes, impaired immune system (associated with HIV / AIDS, etc.), the consequence of taking potent drugs, etc. In this case, the human body is weakened and cannot withstand staph bacteria or other bacteria that cause phlegmon.

Phlegmon manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process, accompanied by redness and purulent abscesses. In most cases, phlegmon of the upper eyelid , due to the mobility of the inflamed area, is distinguished by pain, leading to inconvenience when closing and opening the eyes, trying to squint. Severe inflammation can also make eye rotation impossible. In addition, a thickening on the inflamed eyelid can have a mechanical effect on the eyeball, which is associated with additional pain.

Phlegmon of the lower eyelid

When affected by inflammation of the lower eyelid, pain can occur when it is touched and pressed, less often when closing the eye. In this case, the disease may be accompanied by profuse tearing. As a rule, phlegmon of the lower eyelid as the disease progresses and in the case of timely treatment, does not extend to the upper eyelid and, in any case, remains one-sided. Since this is an inflammatory process caused by an infectious infection, early diagnosis of the disease minimizes lesions and possible complications. Due to the peculiarities of localization, edema of the lower eyelid can lead to pain with eye movement.

Century Phlegmon Clinic

It is characterized by reddening of the skin and dense swelling of the entire eyelid, pain on palpation of the eyelids. The disease proceeds with fever, headache.

The cause of phlegmon of the eyelid can be a purulent disease of the eyes, skin, dento- maxillary system or sinuses. In addition, phlegmon can develop due to injury to the orbit or infection in the mucous membrane or skin of the eyelids. In the vast majority of cases (we are talking about 70%), the clinic of phlegmon of the century consists of sinusitis (often ethmoiditis ), osteomelitis , periodontal disease or abscess and other infectious lesions of organs located near the eyes. Thus, purulent inflammation is a complication of these diseases.

As a rule, staphylococcus, streptococcus, becomes the cause of phlegmon of the orbit, as in cases of other localization of the disease. Somewhat less common is the phlegmon generated by pneumobacillus or Escherichia coli.

The disease manifests itself after the penetration of the pathogen into the fiber of the skin. In this case, the formation of a purulent abscess begins with small suppurations, subsequently combined into one.

Century Phlegmon Treatment

In most cases, specialists prefer complex treatment of phlegmon of the century. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its manifestation, while simultaneously blocking the inflammatory process. For this purpose, antibiotics may be prescribed. Surgical intervention may be required to remove pus and the source of suppuration, as well as for a prolonged absence of a positive effect in the treatment. Subsequently, physiotherapy is prescribed, stimulation of the body’s defensive reaction (immunity).

Conservative treatment.

Prescribe topical drugs:

1 antibacterial ( tobrex , ciloxane , erythromycin, oftaxvix , phloxal , vigamox , cypromed , uniflox ),  

2 combined ( tobradex , maxitrol , okubraks , combined- duo) drugs,  

3 systemic treatment: antibacterial, detoxification , antihistamines, vitamin therapy.  

When fluctuations appear, the phlegmon is opened.

Treatment should be timely, as the following complications are possible: the spread of inflammation to the tissues of the orbit (phlegmon of the orbit), cavernous sinus thrombosis, meningoencephalitis , sepsis.

Abscess of the century

Abscess of the eyelid ( abscessus palpebrae ) – an infiltrative-purulent focus of inflammation. Often develops when squeezing barley, an insect bite, minor eyelid injury, cosmetic procedures. 

Clinic of the abscess of the century

It is characterized by hyperemia, dense painful swelling of the skin with drooping eyelids, significant conjunctival edema, swelling and soreness of the regional lymph nodes. Perhaps a spontaneous dissection of the abscess.

Century Abscess Treatment

Locally prescribed dry heat, physiotherapeutic methods, instillation of disinfectant drops into the conjunctival sac. Systemic treatment: antibiotics orally or intravenously, desensitizing therapy. The appearance of fluctuations serves as an indication for opening an abscess. With adequate treatment, the prognosis is positive .

Capillary hemangioma of the eyelid

Capillary hemangioma is a vascular tumor, in 1/3 of cases it is congenital. Up to 6 months grows intensely, then growth slows down. By the age of 7, in 75% of children complete hemangioma regression occurs . Clinically, capillary hemangioma of the eyelid – a neoplasm manifests itself in early childhood, localized intradermally or subcutaneously. Pathogenetically – capillary vascular neoplasm.

Century Melanoma

Century melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of the eyelid, is a multisymptomatic tumor . It can be represented by a flat focus with uneven edges; with a nodular form, the tumor rises above the surface of the skin. Pigmentation – from light brown to dark brown, almost black. Clinically, eyelid melanoma is dark brown to black . Surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the eyelids using a laser scalpel or electric knife . With melanoma, cryodestruction of the tumor is carried out followed by radiation therapy. 


Chalasion ( chalasion ) – a chronic proliferative inflammation of the cartilage of the eyelid, caused by blockage of the excretory duct of the meibomian gland in the presence of chronic inflammation. 

Halazion Clinic

It is characterized by a painless, dense rounded formation, not fused to the skin of the eyelid. It increases gradually until it becomes noticeable from the outside of the eyelid; from the side of the conjunctiva, it is translucent in a grayish color. It differs from barley in greater density and lack of local sensations.

Chalazion treatment

In the initial stages, hydrocortisone, dexazone , diprospan are injected into the area of ​​inflammation. The most radical method is surgical removal: the eyelid from the conjunctiva is captured with a special graduated forceps and an incision is made perpendicular to the edge of the eyelid, then the contents of the chalazion are removed with a spoon ; they must remove the capsule and conduct its histological examination in order to exclude adenocarcinoma , which may occur during a long process.

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