Sedative Meds


While you sleep, extremely important processes take place in the body.
Conservation of the brain: the cerebral cortex rests and recovers, ensuring complete safety of memory, the mind works as it should, and the body corrects the “breakdowns”, grows and develops.

Recovery: when you sleep, the body goes into recovery mode, regenerating the skin, muscles, blood and brain cells. If a sufficient amount of time is given to sleep, it has a great influence on the appearance, therefore it is called “the dream of beauty”. Shining skin and the lack of bags under the eyes are signs of a good night’s rest. More alarming is the fact that, as recent studies have shown, sleep loss increases the blood levels of those substances that are responsible for the inflammatory processes in the body, which increases the risk of heart and cancer, vascular spasms, diabetes and obesity.

Blood pressure monitoring: when you sleep, blood pressure drops, and during the day it reaches moderate levels.
Weight control: in the course of research, it was found that intermittent sleep increases the blood levels of ghrelin associated with hunger, and lowers the level of leptin, a hormone that makes you feel full. Not only the body physically provokes your appetite, especially when tired; the psyche also tempts you with high sugar foods to dramatically increase your body’s energy levels. → If you feel weak, you are less inclined to activity and burn extra calories. To top it all off, if you lose sleep, your metabolism slows down, as a result of which the likelihood of weight gain increases.
Immune System Recovery: The immune system is restored and cleansed. Insomnia can make you more vulnerable to illness.

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