Sedative Meds

Author Archive: admin

Medicinal sweet clover

Description: biennial herbaceous plant. Stem ascending or erect, branched at the base, 50–200 cm high. The leaves are alternate and ternate. The flowers are collected in elongated, curvaceous inflorescences in the axils of the upper leaves. Corolla yellow of 5 different petals. Raw materials: dried…
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Prescription drugs

Histamine H 1 receptor blockers: diphenhydramines ( diphenhydramine and its synonyms from different companies); promethazines ( pipolfen , diprazine ); doxylamine ( donormin ), which are mainly used to treat allergic diseases (urticaria, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, angioedema, serum sickness, etc.). These drugs also have a moderate hypnotic and…
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Hypnotic drugs

The market for insomnia has evolved in stages. Until the 20th century, bromine, urethane, and opium were used as sleeping pills. 1903 is the beginning of the first stage of treatment of insomnia, when they began to use barbiturates. The…
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To stop crying your teeth

– During the day, take care of yourself, do not grit your teeth – this will reduce the desire to gnash them. The teeth should touch each other only while swallowing and chewing food. – Eat apples and other hard foods…
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Parasomnic disorders

They are intense episodic physical manifestations that occur in a dream or are exacerbated during sleep. Mostly, parasomnic disorders are found in children, but can also be detected in adults. Parasomnias include night fears, somnambulism, and bruxism. On the night terrors (nightmares) described in…
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Sleep in the elderly

Most elderly people complain of frequent waking up at night, shortening sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, and the need to sleep after dinner. Why is this happening? The fact is that as they grow older and older, the quality and architecture of…
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The effect of drugs on sleep

Almost all drugs act on sleep, either worsening it at night, or causing drowsiness during the day. It is important, together with your doctor, to choose the right time for taking certain dosages and dosages of the medications you are…
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