Sedative Meds

Natural sleep

The second half of the twentieth century made a cardinal revolution in nau h nye knowledge of the essence of sleep. It has now been proven that sleep is an immeasurably more complex process than previously thought. Natural sleep is a special congenital condition of an organism of warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds), which is characterized by a regular sequential change of certain physiological pictures in the form of cycles, phases and stages. Naib of Lee was an important discovery in the mid-50s paradoxical sleep phase’s associated with dreams, which follows the phase of slow wave sleep, fo r thus peaceing the sleep cycle. One of the pioneers was the physiologist from Lyon (France),

Michel Jouvet. According to Jouvet, REM sleep – this is not a classic sleep and not wake, and particularly, the third state of the p -organisms, characterized by a paradoxical combination of brain activity and muscle relaxation, as it were, active wakefulness, inward. To paraphrase a famous phrase of Descartes, Jouvet wrote: “I sleep, I dream – therefore I am!” And if you compare this sentence with vyshepr and run by a quote from Aristotle, it is easy to trace the evolution of pre d representations of humanity on the nature of sleep for twenty-four century up to the realization that the dream is the essence, the essence of life, etc. of Tessov in the brain. In the words of the same Jouvet: “Who knows the secret of sleep, knows that the first well of the brain.” A direct study of brain cells involved in sleep – wakefulness regulation conducted in the second half of the twentieth century showed that during slow sleep, the neurons of the cortex do not cease their activity, but the nature of this activity changes radically: it becomes less individualized, more “choral” ; overall conditions for per e information-processing systems in the brain, not just the one that comes from the senses, but also the one that is stored in memory, dramatically worsened. Continuing an as ogy with technical devices, we can say that in deep Medley Mr. In a dream, the brain does not turn off, but it works in part “at idle”. During REM sleep the brain cells are extremely active, however, and called the formation of the “inputs” (senses), they have not been, and “outputs” (muscular system) is not supplied. This is the paradoxical x and sleep rakter reflected in its name.

Apparently, during the parades to the greasy sleep intensively processed the information that was to claim about luchena in the prior wakefulness and stored in memory. Confirm p REPRESENTATIONS this is the appearance of REM sleep emotionally about to Rushen dreams in humans. Virtually unknown, however, the stop and etsya the mechanism (obviously, biochemical, humoral, since it is a slow process occurring), whereby there is alternate engagement of these or other neural systems, their changeover e of specifying the offensive and cyclic alternation of the two phases of sleep. In this role requires substances that have a longer life span in the body than the “classical” neurotransmitters, less spec h receptors capable of being transferred by the fluid of the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) and diffuse through the intercellular fluid, affecting more extensive areas in the brain, sometimes quite distant from the place of release. Such substances have become known relatively recently – a regulatory peptides, the products aiming breakdown of proteins, evolutionarily ancient transmitters, which are widespread in the mo h n and the body and plays an important role in a number of physiological prospect of processes.

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