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Insomnia (the newer and more accurate term “insomnia” ), according to the medical definition, is a disorder characterized by the presence of repeated disturbances in initiation (onset), consolidation (maintenance) or completion (awakening earlier than the desired time) of sleep, occurring despite the presence of sufficient time and sleep conditions, manifested by the subjective feeling of insufficient or poor quality sleep, and resulting in impaired functioning during daytime wakefulness.  

International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 3rd Revision (ICRS-3, 2014 )

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However, not everyone who thinks they sleep poorly has insomnia. In order for the doctor to give you such a diagnosis, you need to comply with 3 main criteria: 

1. Complaints about any disturbances in the sleep process should be present: its beginning (long falling asleep, more than 30 minutes), maintenance (frequent night awakenings, superficial restless sleep) or completion (early awakenings with the inability to fall asleep again).

2. Poor sleep should be manifested by impaired subsequent wakefulness, which is most often manifested by fatigue, impaired attention, mood disorders, daytime sleepiness.

3. Sleep disturbances are present, despite the possibility of good rest (absence of light and sound stimuli, comfortable temperature conditions, comfortable bed).

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Diagnostic criteria for chronic insomnia in adults (according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 3rd revision, 2014). All criteria are required. 

A. The patient or observer notes one or more of the following: 

1. Difficulties in initiating (beginning) sleep.

2. Difficulty maintaining sleep.

3. Waking up earlier than the desired time.

B. The patient or observer notes one or more of the following problems associated with sleep disturbance: 

1. Fatigue / malaise.

2. Impaired attention, concentration or memorization

3. Violation of social, family, industrial or educational functioning.

4. Mood disorder / irritability

5. Daytime sleepiness.

6. Behavioral problems (eg, hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression).

7. Decreased motivation / energy / initiative.

8. Exposure to mistakes and accidents.

9. Anxiety about your sleep and dissatisfaction with it.

C. These sleep / wake complaints are not attributed to inadequate sleep capacity (ie adequate sleep time) or conditions (ie environment that is safe, dark, quiet, and comfortable) to sleep. 

D. Sleep disturbances and associated daytime symptoms occur at least 3 times a week for at least 3 months. 

E. Difficulties in sleeping / waking can not be explained by the presence of other sleep disorders. 

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How many people have insomnia? According to various studies, the prevalence of insomnia in the general population is from 10 to 40%. Insomnia is 1.5 times more common in women than in men. In older people after 75 years, the frequency of this condition is doubled compared to middle-aged people. Periodically, about 30% of adults experience insomnia, about 10-15% suffer from chronic insomnia. In the presence of concomitant diseases, mental disorders or chronic pain syndromes, sleep is disturbed in 50-75% of cases. More than 25% of patients regularly or frequently use sleeping pills.   

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Why does insomnia occur? The main reason for the development of insomnia: stress (biological – exacerbation or debut of the disease, or psychological – increased psycho-emotional stress).  

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