Sedative Meds


Depression is a disease that must be treated. Only a doctor can do this! Do not take medicine without a specialist’s prescription.

In order to “improve mood and cope with stress”, it is first necessary to find out what is the reason for this condition.

1. Amino Acid Deficiency

Amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins, including neurotransmitters , which are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. With an imbalance of amino acids, sleep disturbances, mood swings often occur, the pain threshold decreases – even with minimal exposure, pain is perceived as very acute.

A lack of tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin (the “hormone of joy”) provokes a depressive state, and a deficiency of tyrosine or phenylalanine is fraught with severe mood swings.

The study of amino acids is carried out as part of any metabolic examination, including in chronic conditions with an unclear diagnosis and / or poorly treatable.

2. Thyroid Disease

Thyroid hormones affect the psychological state of a person, regulate metabolism, well-being, mood, sexuality. After birth, 10% of women develop postpartum thyroiditis , a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland that can trigger the development of postpartum depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

3. Allergy

Nearly three quarters of patients observed for depression are diagnosed with allergies. Most often, allergies to mold and egg white are recorded. To detect an allergy of an immediate type, class E immunoglobulins ( IgE ) are determined , and delayed type reactions are determined by class G immunoglobulins ( IgG ).

4. Violation of the rhythm of secretion of melatonin

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the brain during sleep. Abnormally low levels cause depression and psychosis. Violations of the rhythm of melatonin secretion are also dangerous seasonal emotional deviations. The study of melatonin is now scientific in nature, it has not yet been determined in clinical laboratories.

5. Elevated levels of cortisol

The hormone cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands. Against the background of stresses, its value in the blood can increase to pathological values, which immediately affects the state of the nervous system. In case of an excess, cortisol is able to cause a state up to panic attacks, leading to increased irritability, anxiety, aggression.

6. Imbalance of female hormones

The hormonal system of a woman responds to stress. During critical periods in the physiology of women (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause), the mechanism of interaction of sex and stress hormones is disturbed. This can cause an unstable emotional state, deviations in behavior, sleep disturbance, sexual desire, appetite, weight gain.

7. Digestion

Well-being and good mood are associated with the digestive system. A decrease in the absorption of the main nutrients – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other necessary substances affects the balance of amino acids and glucose, which leads to a deterioration in mood and provokes a depressive state. Imbalance in the microflora in the intestine also affects the emotional background.

8. Intoxication

The presence in the body of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc.) causes organic damage to the brain and provokes the development of severe mental disorders. With a deficiency or excess, the macroelements that the body needs are also toxic. For example, magnesium deficiency causes constant fatigue, decreased cognitive function, insomnia, irritability. In order to determine the level of metals in the body, you can pass the hair for analysis.

9. Changes in glucose and insulin levels

To maintain stable functioning of the central nervous system, a sufficient amount of glucose is required. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels, especially in patients with diabetes, exacerbate depression. People with hypoglycemia (lower than normal sugar levels) have a higher risk of developing depression. Insulin promotes the transfer of tryptophan, stimulates the synthesis of serotonin, the “hormone of joy”. To identify abnormalities in CITILAB, glucose and insulin are tested, and the HOMA index is calculated.

10. Fatty Acid Deficiency

Fatty acid deficiency exacerbates the manifestations of depression, especially in pregnant women, women in labor, patients with multiple sclerosis and people who abuse alcohol. Fatty acids ensure the stable functioning of cells and maintain the necessary level of energy. With a lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, emotional instability appears, and the brain and cardiovascular system deteriorate.

Be healthy!

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