Sedative Meds


The ability to cope with ordinary life stresses will help to maintain strength, a positive attitude for productive work and communication with loved ones!

With prolonged exposure, stress triggers a cascade of physiological reactions that adversely affect health. The heart rate, respiration rate increase, body temperature rises. All this can lead to problems with the heart and blood vessels, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity.

1. Find out your level of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Increased cortisol concentrations lead to a set of extra pounds, the development of diabetes mellitus, and visual impairment. And also to reduce testosterone levels, the ability to absorb calcium and collagen synthesis, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

2. Get enough sleep.

An adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep. Lie down on time, because at night, a number of vital hormones are produced: growth hormone ( growth hormone ), sex hormones, hormones that control hunger and appetite ( ghrelin / leptin).

3. Do not smoke.

Or, if possible, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Nicotine provokes an increase in cortisol in the blood.

4. Do not drink alcohol – this is not a way to relax, but an additional burden for the body.

Alcohol-containing drinks lead to the loss of vitamins and antioxidants, which increases oxidative reactions. This affects the condition of the skin – it becomes less elastic, uneven. As a result, the face looks puffy, and you are several years older.

5. Do not take uncontrolled vitamins.

Indeed, during stress, some vitamins and minerals are quickly consumed. However, taking vitamins and minerals is recommended only after analysis. To find out which macro and micronutrients are missing, do a comprehensive survey in CITILAB with the profile “Source of Health: Vitamins and Minerals” from the series “Ecology of Life (study code 99-00-801) . 

6. Sign up for aroma massage.

Or have an aromatherapy session at home. Choose the essential oils of lavender, chamomile, basil, cedar, sage, hyssop – they have a calming effect on the nervous system. About which oils will help relieve stress and cheer up, as well as how to use them correctly, read the link . 

7. Drink enough water.

At least one glass before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

8. Try floating .

This is a relaxation procedure in a special saltwater pool that creates the effect of weightlessness. The session helps to relieve muscle tension, back pain, joints, relieve the nervous system.

9. Do lymphatic drainage massage.

For this, you can use a body brush made, for example, of cactus or natural bristles. Dry body massage improves blood circulation, lymph outflow, in which metabolic products accumulate.

10. Meditate.

It is proved that meditation has a pronounced therapeutic effect – it normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep, improves performance and increases stress resistance.

11. Practice breathing exercises.

Breathing is the key to health. Most often, with stress, superficial respiration is observed, its delay. Feel the tension grow – take 10 slow deep breaths.

12. Go in for sports or fitness.

It is not necessary to train every day until exhaustion. Enough 35-45 minutes 2-3 times a week. If you are a beginner, do some research . The analysis will help to check the body for readiness for sports loads.

13. Get a pet.

There are studies that prove the positive effect of communicating with pets, especially cats and dogs.

14. Communicate.

Relieving stress, especially after a hard day’s work, will help a conversation with your beloved friend. Laugh, gossip, make plans for joint meetings!

15. Change the environment.

Do not spend the weekend on the couch, go to an exhibition, concert or lecture. New experiences – excellent stress prevention.

16. Dance!

Dance movements contribute to the production of hormones of happiness – endorphins . The effect of the lesson, like a chocolate bar, but without the extra calories!

17. Spend a check-up.

If you don’t know how to cope with stress, everything falls out of your hands, there is no strength to work with – it may be worth performing a check-up of the whole organism. CITILAB doctors have developed a special profile that will help to find out the cause of poor health .

Feel good!


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