Sedative Meds

Depression in children

Childhood is a cloudless time, at least that’s what most adults think. But experts in child psychology do not agree with this statement, because they know very well: even the clear sky of childhood can be darkened by hanging clouds, whose name is depression.

As in the case of adults, this is not just a bad mood, but a whole complex that includes both an emotional state and physical manifestations. In children of different ages, depression can manifest itself in different ways, but almost always accompanied by health complaints. The child does not think how to get out of depression on his own – after all, he does not even know why he is so sad and bad.

If in an adult the indicator of guilt in such an emotional state is directed primarily towards himself (I am to blame for what happened, I cannot cope, I cannot), then the children begin to blame the environment, and first of all it is the parents. In fact, mom and dad are often not to blame for anything – it’s just a manifestation of an emotional state.

Depression in adolescents

Adolescence is a time of instability, including psychological. It is not surprising that adolescent depression is singled out by psychologists as a separate type of this disorder. Many parents, having noticed that their child becomes apathetic, indifferent, inattentive, attribute this to the difficulties of adolescence. Meanwhile, the lack of treatment for depression can lead to further problems in the life of a teenager, and in search of a way to get out of depression on his own, he may well turn to alcohol, drugs and promiscuous relationships.

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