Water is essential for good brain function, slimness and tone. Without a sufficient amount of liquid, the rate of all metabolic processes decreases.
Water is essential for good brain function, slimness and tone. Without a sufficient amount of liquid, the rate of all metabolic processes decreases. Together with mineral salts, water maintains the most important biological constant – the osmotic pressure of the blood. However, the question of how many glasses of water should be consumed per day is still open. The physiological norm is 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight, approximately 1.8-2 liters of water per day for a woman weighing 60 kg. The need for water increases with physical activity, in conditions of high temperature.
In their experiments, French scientists have shown that increasing the daily intake of water can reduce the likelihood of kidney stones in healthy people. On the other hand, studies by American physiologists prove that excess fluid leads to hyponatremia when the amount of sodium in the blood plasma falls below the physiological level. This can negatively affect the functioning of the heart and brain.
10 rules of drinking regimen
1. Focus on the feeling of thirst
The rule of 8 glasses does not work, this is proved by numerous studies of scientists from the USA, Australia, Japan. During the day, the body spends about 1-1.5 liters of fluid, but everything is individual. Someone may need more water. Do not forget that you can get water from food as well. Fruits and vegetables, smoothies , tea, coffee, soups – the body also knows how to extract water from these foods and dishes. If you don’t feel like drinking, you don’t need to force yourself.
2. Water with lemon is useful
According to the Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya , a glass of water with a slice of lemon in the morning helps to “start” the stomach and stimulates the outflow of bile. In addition, lemon essential oil has antiviral and tonic effect.
3. Do not replace water with juices
Sweet fruit juices, especially packaged or even freshly squeezed juices, are hardly a healthy alternative to water. They contain a lot of sugar, completely or partially lacking valuable fiber necessary for digestion.
4. Don’t drink sugary soda
Forget about your favorite soda. Apart from dyes, aggressive acids and synthetic fragrances, soda contains nothing. It is almost impossible to quench the feeling of thirst with a “cocktail” that contains an excessive amount of sugar (some types of drinks contain up to 50 g of sugar per 100 ml!). But getting extra calories, provoking allergies and ruining the enamel of your teeth is quite possible.
5. If you have a cold, drink plenty of water
Adequate amount of water helps to quickly eliminate the waste products of viruses and bacteria along with sweat and urine. Add to this cranberry or lingonberry juice – they have anti-inflammatory and firming effects and help to recover sooner.
6. Take water for your workout
Be sure to bring a bottle of still water to fitness classes or jogging. Excessive sweating must be compensated for! The optimal regimen is to take several sips of water once every half hour. Another option is to use special isotonic drinks that compensate not only for the loss of fluid, but also for valuable salts.
7. Do not reuse ordinary plastic bottles
They are for single food use only. They drank the water and threw it away. Firstly, bacteria like to “settle” on the inner surface of such containers, which can provoke an infection. And secondly, in the presence of oxygen or when heated, the plastic from which the bottle is made “releases” harmful chemicals that are toxic to the body.
8. Distinguish between thirst and hunger
Nutritionists advise: “If you are hungry, drink some water.” It’s so easy to recognize true thirst and not get extra calories. Please note that if after 15-20 minutes the desire for a snack does not arise, then the body needed water, not food. The desire to eat has reappeared – then a lunch break is definitely required!
9. Choose the right water
Water is divided into several types: medicinal, table, spring water. The dining room is the safest, it contains a balanced amount of minerals. But medicinal waters should be consumed only according to indications, since an excessive amount of micro- and macroelements, especially chlorides, is unsafe. Especially for those who suffer from arterial hypertension and / or diabetes. In this case, taking medicinal water can worsen the condition.
10. To get rid of puffiness – drink water
Dehydration causes the body to retain water. This is how swelling of the face and body appears. It is paradoxical, but true: to get rid of edema, you need to consume enough water. If, even after normalizing the drinking regime, the swelling does not go away, be sure to consult a doctor and exclude the risk of developing heart, kidney or liver diseases.
Be healthy!