Sedative Meds

With the following relaxing techniques

1) Take a few deep breaths to reduce nervousness and anxiety. Force yourself to breathe slowly, feeling your belly bulge as you inhale and then fall out as you exhale.

2) Stretch to relieve muscle tension.

3) Massage the target muscles. Most people have special muscles that, under stress, tense sharply, hardening as a result of adrenaline rush. These muscles are located on the back of the neck and in the upper back in the shoulder girdle. Massage them for 2-5 minutes to relieve tension.

4) Press down on the whiskey. Acupressure of the nerves on the temples indirectly relaxes certain muscles, mainly on the neck.

5) Do not grit your teeth. Open your mouth and move your jaw from left to right to relax your muscles.

6) Straighten your chest to make it easier to breathe. Take a deep breath and exhale. Then, lift your shoulders up and back, then relax. Take a deep breath (shoulders go back) and exhale, relaxing your shoulders. Repeat 4-5 times, and inhale again deeply – exhale. Perform this cycle 4 times.

7) Relax completely. Starting from the top of the head or from the toes, exert simultaneously symmetrical muscle groups on the right and left, hold for a few seconds and relax. Work consistently with the muscles of the legs, chest, arms, head, and neck.

8) Hold your hands under a stream of hot water until you realize that the tension passes.

9) Rinse your face with cool water. Move around, do exercises, because tired muscles are relaxed muscles. Exercises burn chemicals that are formed during stress.

10) Listen to soothing music. This is a very powerful tool for dealing with stress. There are cassettes with relaxing music available, although it is enough to listen to any recording of a pleasant melodic character.

Thus, you do not need to go to a special lecture or classes and spend time to cope with stress. You are sufficiently prepared for independent work. You can be sure that your decision after the implementation of our advice will be correct, and the result will be successful. Remember: “whatever your health is, it will be enough for the rest of your life.”

Here are alarming signals that stress stress health and require immediate access to a specialist:

– chronic insomnia; – drowsiness; – irresistible anxiety; – attacks of dizziness or loss of consciousness; – rapid pulse, which is not reduced; – sweating palms; – trembling of the limbs and the feeling of inner trembling; – rash; – chronic or acute headache; – pain in the back or neck.

The basic rule is that you need to consult a doctor for treatment, if you have never had such symptoms before, and it is difficult to explain their appearance by any other reason than stress.

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