Sedative Meds

Eye diseases

Diagnosis of Abdominal injury

Diagnosis injured no doubt in the presence of wound yarn wall Vaught. It is more difficult to solve the question – is the wound non-penetrating or does it penetrate into the abdominal cavity. Absolute and direct indication of Prony Penitent injury is loss from the wound of the…
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Abdominal injury treatment

Patients with abdominal injuries, both penetrating and non-penetrating conductive subject to surgical treatment. Exceptions are power metal hnostnye stab wounds prescription abdominal wall over 24 hours already infected. These wounds are not subjected to a primary surgical treatment of classical and treated with an antiseptic solution,…
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Syphilitic keratitis

Syphilitic keratitis is a late manifestation of congenital syphilis. The disease usually occurs in childhood and adolescence, less often in middle-aged and elderly people. Both eyes are usually affected. Keratitis occurs cyclically. At first it hurts: photophobia, mild redness of the eye wallpaper. When examining the…
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Viral keratitis

Most often, viral keratitis occur in the form of herpetic keratitis, that the frequency and severity ranks first among the inflamed Nij cornea. Herpetic keratitis occur in de paths at the age of 5 years in the form of primary eye syndrome in adults – as poslepervichnogo keratitis. The impetus…
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Bacterial keratitis

These keratitis usually you is called diplococci, streptococcus, staphylococcus and other bacteria, trapped in the cornea through kakuyu- or scratch on the surface. They can occur in the vie de superficial keratitis or corneal ulcers creeping.  Superficial keratitis often occurs as a complication of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis . When joining keratitis,…
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A large variety and abundance SHOCK Niy cornea due to its location in the area of the opening the palpebral fissure, continuous contact with okra ronment, whereby it is subjected to the action of various factors (mechanical, physical chemistry iCal et al.). The generality and innervation of…
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These conjunctival Vita characterized by purulent conjunctival cavity.The most common are: staphylococcal,  pneumococcal conjunctivitis,  acute epidemic conjunctivitis (Koch- Wicks conjunctivitis ),  gonoblenorrhea and diphtheria of the eye (diphtheria conjunctivitis) are less common .    Staphylococcal conjunctivitis. As a rule, it has an acute onset and is characterized by severe hyperemia of…
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